google docs now allows users to edit their sharing links to provide documents in pdf format.

most people know how to save the web version with the print function on the browser. it will remove images and ads to save time and ink. but what about converting web pages to

we have seen many tricks to convert pdf files into word documents, then edit and save them back into pdf files. there are also many tools that allow users to directly edit on pdf

how to cut pdf files, split detailed pdf files to help you reduce pdf file size, get the necessary part to email or share with friends.

there are many different online tools for converting pdf documents to word, but today, we will introduce you to nitro pro's tool, which is completely free but also very easy to

pdfs are designed to support raw text with fonts, images, sound and many other effects. if you have a collection of photos and text documents that you want to scan to your

to protect pdf file content is always safe, do not allow others to change or edit, usually the computer user or set an access password or set certain limits for the file. doing

pdf (portable document format) is a popular mobile document format and text file from adobe systems. like the word format, pdf supports raw text with fonts, images, sound and many

previously, tipsmake.com once instructed you to set pdf password with microsoft word office software. today, we will share with you how to set a password online quickly and simply

in the previous article, we showed you how to set a password for a pdf file online. today, we will continue to share how to remove that password online quickly and simply. please

every day, you have to work with a lot of pdf document pages and often take a lot of time in finding the right file you need. therefore, a good solution in this case is to create

prc is a popular format primarily for ebooks, which is used by many people on smart devices such as smartphones and tablets because it can be read anytime, anywhere. today,

in recent versions, firefox and chrome have integrated pdf file reading right in their browser. but for large pdf files, reading files directly in the browser of firefox and

word and excel in office 2013 provide the ability to save documents straight into pdf without going through the converter. here's how.

in the following article, we will introduce you some basic operations to convert pdf documents into epub, mobi or html ebook format, easy to use and compatible with kindle devices.

if you need a method to convert pdf documents to another editable format, the first option will be google docs. but if you're a faceboook 'loyal' user, then pdf converter is an

fillable pdf form - forms available in pdf files for users to fill in data, usually they are very useful and convenient compared to printing that text file to paper and manually

readdle has just released an update for the 'all in one' readdledocs document reader for ipad tablets.

if you need to convert some word, excel, powerpoint files into pdf but your computer does not have support software installed, you can rely on google docs service.

click to convert is an easy-to-use program that converts almost all document formats into pdf or html files.