• MongoDB queries and tasks you should know

    MongoDB queries and tasks you should know
    MongoDB is one of the most coveted and admired NoSQL databases for professional development. Its flexibility, scalability and handling of large volumes of data make it the first
  • Aggregation in MongoDB

    Aggregation in MongoDB
    Aggregation can be understood as aggregation. The Aggregation operation handles data records and returns calculated results. The operations group the values ​​from multiple
  • ObjectId in MongoDB

    ObjectId in MongoDB
    You have seen the use of MongoDB ObjectId in previous chapters. In this chapter, we will understand the structure of ObjectId.
  • Replica Set in MongoDB

    Replica Set in MongoDB
    Replication is the process of synchronizing data from multiple servers. Replication provides redundancy and increased data availability for multiple data copies on many different
  • Shard in MongoDB

    Shard in MongoDB
    Sharding is a process of storing data records across multiple devices and it is a method of MongoDB to meet the requirement for increasing data. When the size of the data
  • Create Backup in MongoDB

    Create Backup in MongoDB
    To create a database Backup in MongoDB, you should use the mongodump command. This command will dump all Server data into dump directory. There are many options available from
  • MongoDB Deployment

    MongoDB Deployment
    When you are preparing a MongoDB Deployment, you should understand how your application is being supported in Production.
  • Relationship in MongoDB

    Relationship in MongoDB
    Relationship in MongoDB represents how the Documents are related. Relationship can be modeled through the Embeded and Referenced method.
  • Reference Database in MongoDB

    Reference Database in MongoDB
    As shown in the Relationship chapter in MongoDB, to deploy a standardized database structure in MongoDB, we use the Referenced Relationship concept, also known as Manual
  • Covered Query in MongoDB

    Covered Query in MongoDB
    When all fields in the query are part of the index, MongoDB connects query conditions and returns the result by using the same index without looking inside the Document. When
  • Query analysis in MongoDB

    Query analysis in MongoDB
    Analyzing queries is a very important aspect to assess the effectiveness of Database and the effectiveness of the designed index. We will explore the two most frequently used
  • Atomic Operation in MongoDB

    Atomic Operation in MongoDB
    MongoDB does not support Atomic Transaction over multiple Documents. However, it provides Atomic Operations on a single Document. Therefore, if a Document has hundreds of fields,
  • Advanced index operation in MongoDB

    Advanced index operation in MongoDB
    Create an index on the array ie create separate indexes for each of its fields. So in this situation, when we create an index on the array of tags, individual indexes will be
  • Limitations of indexes in MongoDB

    Limitations of indexes in MongoDB
    Each index not only occupies part of the memory space but also causes an overhead on each insert, update, and delete operation. So, if you rarely use your Collection for read
  • Map Reduce in MongoDB

    Map Reduce in MongoDB
    In MongoDB Documentation, Map-Reduce is a data processing system that condenses a large amount of data into useful overall results. MongoDB uses mapReduce command for Map-Reduce
  • Text Search in MongoDB

    Text Search in MongoDB
    Starting with version 2.4, MongoDB started supporting Text Indexes to search within the string content.
  • Regular Expression in MongoDB

    Regular Expression in MongoDB
    Regular Expression is used frequently in all languages ​​to search for a pattern or a word in any string. MongoDB also provides Regular Expression to match Pattern matching in
  • Working with Rockmongo

    Working with Rockmongo
    Rockmongo is a MongoDB management tool. Using it, you can manage your Server, Database, Collection, Document, Index, .... It provides a very friendly way for users to read, write
  • Auto-Increment Sequence in MongoDB

    Auto-Increment Sequence in MongoDB
    MongoDB does not have the auto-increment out-of-the-box feature like SQL Database. By default, it uses a 12-byte ObjectId for the _id field as the Primary key to uniquely identify
  • GridFS in MongoDB

    GridFS in MongoDB
    GridFS is the MongoDB Specification for storing and collecting large files such as images, audio, video files, etc. It is a type of file system to store files but its data is