The 520-meter-long Thames Barrier, consisting of 10 large steel gates across the river, can be raised or lowered depending on the water level to prevent floodwaters and protect the
The history of our solar system can be likened to a picture of unpredictable change.
The world's largest primary mirror is 39m wide, the world's lightest mirror consists of only a single layer of 200 atoms... are the most advanced mirrors in the world.
A team of physicists at the University of Arizona has developed the world's fastest electron microscope, an upgraded version of the transmission electron microscope that can
Guava is a nutritious, delicious fruit that is loved and chosen by many people. However, many people wonder, is it good to eat guava peel?
There are some birds that cannot fly even though they have wings. One of them is the Kakapo and most of them live in New Zealand.
The globose springtail (Dicyrtomina minuta) is an incredibly fast backflipper. Despite being only a few millimeters long, this species can leap up to 60 mm high and flip in mid-air
Below are 10 military vehicles with quite strange and even bizarre designs, but the combat effectiveness of many of these vehicles has been proven by history.
When lightning strikes a body of water, the current travels across the surface rather than penetrating deep into the liquid, similar to the effect when lightning strikes a car or
Here are the largest planes in the world flying today, including some that are longer than an Olympic swimming pool, can hold tanks, and are taller than five-story buildings.
Scientists at the University of Amherst, Massachusetts, USA are researching a cooling fabric that can reduce body temperature by up to 8 degrees Celsius lower than air temperature.
'Vampire' sparrows lived on Darwin Island and Wolf Island (both in the Galapagos Islands - Ecuador) since 500,000 years ago.
Mars is one of the planets that has received the most attention from astronomers in recent years.
In the video, a giant heron used its long, large, hard beak to capture a chipmunk alive at Moonshine Beach in Cambria, California.
Although it possesses extremely dangerous venom, in the face of the enemy's 'heavenly blows' to the eyes and head, the tree snake can only endure the battle.
Capybaras not only have a cute appearance, but they are also considered the friendliness queens in the animal world as they love to 'communicate' with many other species from
The busy life of modern society makes 'stress' or 'stress' a common term everywhere.
A group of Japanese researchers from the Quantum Machine Unit laboratory at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology have just created a 'flying car' that operates based on
Exoplanet are planets located outside the Solar System.
The great tit (Parus Major) found in some regions of Asia and North Africa is known as the most brutal bird in the world because it does not eat meat but specializes in eating the