• What is Node.js?

    What is Node.js?
    NodeJS is a Server side platform built on Javascript Engine (V8 Engine). Node.js was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and the final version is v0.10.36.
  • Instructions for installing Node.js

    Instructions for installing Node.js
    If you want to set up node.js environment on your personal computer, you must have 2 software on your computer.
  • Module in Node.js

    Module in Node.js
    Node.js uses the Module architecture to simplify the creation of complex applications. The module is like libraries in C, C #, Java ... Each module contains a set of functional
  • Hello World program in Node.js

    Hello World program in Node.js
    Before creating the actual Hello world application in Node.js, see the main parts of the Node.js program. A Node.js program includes the following important sections.
  • REPL Terminal in Node.js

    REPL Terminal in Node.js
    REPL is an acronym for Read Eval Print Loop (understandably: Reading - Evaluating - Printing - Repeating) and it represents the computer environment like the console screen in the
  • NPM in Node.js

    NPM in Node.js
    Provides utilities to install Node.js packages, version management and dependency management of packages in Node.js.
  • Callbacks concept in Node.js

    Callbacks concept in Node.js
    Callback has the same asynchronous property for a function. A callback function is called when completing a specific task. All Node APIs are written in the way of callback
  • Event Loop in Node.js

    Event Loop in Node.js
    Node.js is a single thread application, but it supports concurrent processing through event definitions and callbacks. As all Node.js APIs are asynchronous and single threaded, it
  • Event Emitter in Node.js

    Event Emitter in Node.js
    Many objects in Node.js generate events, for example net.Server generates an event every time a peer connection to it, or fs.readStream generates an event when a file is opened.
  • Concept of Buffer in Node.js

    Concept of Buffer in Node.js
    Net Javascript is Unicode encoded conveniently but not really good with binary data. When working with TCP streams or file systems, it is necessary to handle octal data streams.
  • Stream in Node.js

    Stream in Node.js
    Streams are objects that allow you to read data from one source and record data to a destination. In Node.js, there are 4 types of Streams.
  • Read the File record in Node.js

    Read the File record in Node.js
    In the previous chapters, you found that you used a lot of require (fs) syntax. So what is the syntax to do? This is the syntax to declare fs Module to deploy File I / O
  • Global objects in Node.js

    Global objects in Node.js
    The Global Concept (Global) means everything has access to it. In Node.js, too, global objects are available for all modules. We do not need to declare or import them by the
  • Utility Module in Node.js

    Utility Module in Node.js
    The Node.js Library Module provides many Utility Modules that help you a lot while developing applications on Node.js. The following table lists and describes these Utility
  • Web Module in Node.js

    Web Module in Node.js
    Web Server is a software application that can handle HTTP requests sent by HTTP Client (for example, a web browser) and return a web page in response to the Client. Web Server
  • Express Framework in Node.js

    Express Framework in Node.js
    Express is a small framework and utility for building web applications, providing a huge amount of powerful features for developing web and mobile applications. It is easy to
  • RESTful API in Node.js

    RESTful API in Node.js
    REST stands for Representational State Tranfer. REST is a web standard based on basic architectures using HTTP protocol. It processes resources, where each component is a
  • Request object in Node.js

    Request object in Node.js
    The req object represents the HTTP Request and has properties for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP Header ...
  • Response object in Node.js

    Response object in Node.js
    The object res represents the HTTP Response that the Express application sends when receiving an HTTP Request.