when working with a specific design, sometimes you have the need to print the final product with a design but there are many different content.

in the following article, we will show you the basic steps to draw an arrow with gimp. if done in photoshop, there will be nothing to discuss, but in the same feature, it is

currently, google has changed some of the policies in picasa service when allowing users to upload and store completely free for photos smaller than 800 pixels. therefore, we will

as a beginner, familiarize yourself with graphic processing with adobe photoshop, eye exercises are one of the most basic parts. in the following article, we will show you the

in the following article, we will explain to you some of the basic differences of the color profile, and the simple fix with photoshop or gimp tool. the main problem for all of

in this lesson, you'll learn about coordinates and dimensions as well as familiarize yourself with the rectangle tool.

coming soon on december 18, the blockbuster 'blockbuster' avatar marks the return of director james cameron after more than a decade of pregnancy to be able to realize ideas thanks

in the following article, tipsmake.com will introduce you how to join and combine seamless photos with windows live photo gallery application.

in the previous lesson, you created a custom preset. however, your custom preset does not have a preview version yet and you see the preview not available text in the preview

known as a video editing technique that combines multiple stills together to form a series of moves, stop motion is becoming a new trend in the graphics enthusiasts community.

you will learn how to use rectangle marquee tool, drop shadow, gradient overlay and outer glow on the menu and many other operations.

if there is no need for professional photo editing, users can choose one of dozens of programs introduced on the internet.

not stopping at supporting common text formats, google docs has just been upgraded to work with files of photoshop, autocad, adobe illustrator ... and a variety of other popular

smartart is a feature in office 2007 that allows you to select different images and graphics into sile including development charts, list charts, pie charts, process charts, ... in

insert images, clip art, shape, and smartart into spreadsheets to make the data sheet more vivid and intuitive. adding images or other graphic objects in excel 2007 is quite

word 2007 allows you to insert special characters, symbols, images, illustrations and watermarks.

when users are increasingly lazy to read, using infographic is a very effective way to market content. however, optimizing the benefits of this tool also requires you to

infographic is a powerful solution for connecting information because it helps data sets and visual images - the left brain and right brain - thus making it easier for users to

recently, nvidia artificial intelligence researchers have successfully developed a capable deep learning model ...