MS Word - Lesson 9: Insert pictures, mathematical characters, especially on documents Picture 7
Graphic size (image)
All figures can be increased or decreased by clicking on the image and clicking on a corner of the image then dragging to increase or decrease the image size accordingly.
MS Word - Lesson 9: Insert pictures, mathematical characters, especially on documents Picture 8
Blurred photos
A watermark is a transparent image that appears immediately after the text in the document. To insert a watermark:
• Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon
• Click the Watermark button in the Page Background group
• Click on Watermark you want or click Custom Watermark and create a separate watermark.
• To remove a watermark, follow the steps above but select Remove Watermark.
MS Word - Lesson 9: Insert pictures, mathematical characters, especially on documents Picture 9
Next article: MS Word - Lesson 10: Read and check the test version for the document