in today's technology market, notebooks should not be unfamiliar to users. but is any line always popular, ...

if you own a mac, the latest osx version, mountain lion is now available on the app store. here's how to upgrade from lion to mountain lion.

the best way to protect your data in the event of a possible problem with your computer, especially your hard drive, is to back up your data to other storage devices.

the article introduces how to back up your iphoto '11 photo library to an external hard drive or cd / dvd.

with time machine, an application introduced by apple in os x 10.5 leopard, users will find it much easier to deal with data disasters.

if you encounter a problem with backing up your android device, including everything from system apps to data, titanium backup is the most convenient and appropriate tool. in the

normally, we will use itunes to backup all messages from iphone. if you have jailbroken your iphone, you will find that there are many other ways to save sms as cvs files, and use

it can be said that any phone will not work without applications. and this is also the reality many people face when they first buy an iphone. whether the programs you use are

sql server 2008 integrates many remarkable new features. one of these features is improvements in t-sql statements that reduce the time spent working on these statements.

transaction log (also known as database log or binary log) is an action history that is executed by the database system to ensure acid properties when the system fails.

in this article, i will show you how to backup and restore sql server databases.

if you still own these dvds and blu-ray discs and want to digitize it, consider one of the following dvd backup and rip software.

one of the basic tasks of any it professional is to ensure data is available wherever and whenever users need it. disaster recovery is the process of ensuring that this condition

are you looking for a simple backup solution that can work on all platforms, along with a user-friendly interface and a free, open source program?

remember to backup an email account with data stored in the cloud is not easy, but how to do that is what we want to introduce in this article.

recently, netizens are buzzing about gmail's incident, causing a large number of email users to suddenly lose their email and folders.

outlook is one of the essential utilities for office workers, but it will be much more useful if you own the program.

microsoft office 2010 version allows users to easily customize and change the ribbon toolbar and quick access toolbar, through which we can quickly group and categorize commands or

although the concept of cloud was born with many features and utilities, as well as security in terms of security, but with the incident just happened a few days ago, whether you

google is a big name in the field of technology providing users with many powerful and useful cloud tools such as gmail, google docs, google reader, google plus, ...