When you use WhatsApp, if you accidentally violate some terms, your WhatsApp account may be locked and cannot be used for messaging or other features.
Zoom doesn't have a virtual background on your phone, making it inconvenient for you to chat via video with others?
Have you posted a Story on Facebook for a while and noticed that the posted video/image is blurry? Why is Story blurred for so long?
The effect on Messenger when making a video call is lost, so you're very upset because you can't apply the filter you like?
Similar channels in Telegram are a new feature that is updated when you join a certain Telegram channel. This similar channels feature displays channels with the same content and
Today's TipsMake will show you how to forward emails you receive on Yahoo to your Gmail inbox. This operation needs to be done on a computer. Remember that the Gmail address you
When you join Facebook, you will be presented with many options to find your friends. If your friends don't use Facebook, you can send them a personal invitation to join to become
This article will show you how to add photos to posts and comments on Facebook.
You can chat with 3 or more people at the same time using Skype's conference calling feature. This feature is very useful when people need to talk together but cannot meet, as well
To label a face on Google Photos (Google Images), you need to click or tap the search box and select the face. Then enter a name so you can easily find photos of this person on
Your friends posted something funny on Facebook, and you want to share it with people you know? Facebook allows you to quickly repost what other people have posted, including
Sometimes we want to secretly search someone's profile on Instagram, but are worried about whether Instagram will send that person a notification or not.
When friends post Stories, it will appear immediately on your Telegram interface. And if you don't like someone's Telegram Story, users can hide that content.
This article will guide you to turn on subtitles for YouTube videos using your computer, phone or tablet. Some YouTube videos have official subtitles, community-contributed
The newly updated WhatsApp application adds the feature of creating WhatsApp channels, creating WhatsApp channels with the purpose of creating a larger chat space.
You need a recording software on your computer but are still wondering which software to choose among thousands of...
A serious vulnerability was recently discovered in Skype that has the potential to expose users' IPs.
Like other applications, WhatsApp saves a list of devices logged into accounts for easy management by users.
Duckist is a self-destructing messaging website that helps you quickly send messages to others. In particular, Duckist also supports you to attach files to send to others.
If you regularly use Facebook, you're probably no stranger to the existence of a green dot that appears on someone's profile picture, in the Messenger app, and next to the camera