this wikihow teaches you how to print one large image on multiple sheets of paper (also known as a tiled or rasterbated poster) from your pc or mac. go to https://rasterbator.net/

for mac and pc users, changing the size of desktop icons is as simple as right-clicking on the desktop and changing settings in the 'view', 'view options' or 'properties' areas.

after you insert picture in writer 2013 document, you can resize it to meet your needs. you can either change picture size manually, or change it in the picture format dialog box.

this wikihow teaches you how to check the size of a mysql database. you can check the size of a database using mysql workbench, or by running a query in mysql. open mysql

when you save a video after editing on windows live movie maker, you can choose which among the existing preset settings you want to use to optimize the video for playback on

this wikihow teaches you how to change the text size on your windows or mac computer, as well as how to change your computer's web browser's text size. open start . click the

if you work with 3d communication software google sketchup, you could find yourself wanting to add more textures than what it comes with. read this article to learn how. click on

this wikihow teaches you how to change the appearance of some of your windows 7 computer's on-screen text. although you can't change all of windows 7's fonts, you can alter some of

many of us spend hours reading on a computer without properly optimizing it. the size and the sharpness of text makes a lot of difference, especially on high resolution monitors.

to change the default paper size for printing, click the apple menu → click system preferences → click printers & scanners → click the default paper size menu and choose your new

some people find a large dock distracting while others may find a small dock unfriendly or hard to read. if you are wondering how to find the perfect dock size for you, start with

the wifi camera products are gradually becoming popular and popular. let's find out what is the new trend of this product this year.

currently, google has changed some of the policies in picasa service when allowing users to upload and store completely free for photos smaller than 800 pixels. therefore, we will

in this lesson, you'll learn about coordinates and dimensions as well as familiarize yourself with the rectangle tool.

in some special cases, when you want to send an email with a fairly large attachment via outlook, the system will display the following message: 'the attachment size exceeds the

in this article, we will learn how to style text in word 2007 through the built-in styles feature.

if you want to watch a movie or video clip on your android phone, you will have to customize, change some parameters related to the size, resolution so that it is suitable for the