playing video games can be stressful. so, what is better than watching yourself play? you can record your video games for reference, entertainment and good memories later, but

you can play most vob files using vlc player, which is available for all major operating systems. you can also use mpc-hc in windows, which functions very similarly. if you have a

pcs may no longer come with windows installation discs, but they do include utilities that allow users to create their own recovery disks. a recovery disc or flash drive can repair

this wikihow teaches how to burn an mp4 video file onto a blank dvd disc. in order to make a dvd playable in most dvd players, you'll need to use free software such as dvd flick

the playstation 2 (ps2) can play dvds from your region without any special equipment. you can control the dvd by using your ps2 controller, or by using a ps2 dvd remote. if you

there are several ways to create a dvd in itunes depending on how you want to use the dvd. you can use dvds to back up your itunes files, or download third-party software to your

while media may be shifting more towards streaming and the cloud, there are still a lot of times that burning a video to a dvd is far more useful. when you use the right programs,

a dual layer dvd (digital versatile disc) is similar to the original dvd created by efmplus in 1995 except it can store up to 8.5 gigabytes of data instead of just 4.7 gigabytes.

many users want to burn drm protected itunes videos/movies/tv shows to dvd playable on home dvd player and enjoy on the widescreen tv. i know you can enjoy itunes movie on tv with

this wikihow teaches you how to play a dvd on a windows computer. unfortunately, the windows media player program doesn't support dvds in windows 8 and 10, meaning that you'll have

do you need a certain amount of space on your hard drive? this is how we recommend it so you can free up to a few gb immediately.

in the previous tutorial, we presented some basic steps to install ubuntu in windows operating system with the option of dual boot using wubi. and this time, we will focus on

after the eee pc 1004dn, the market began to pick up the next netbooks equipped with dvd drives, typically ec14d, from gateway.

since blu-ray won the race for the new generation dvd format, the price of blu-ray integrated laptop has been declining, no longer the price is nearly 6,000 usd as before.

although cloud computing and online storage can help eliminate some demand for physical drive space, but it will always be good to have a large hard drive in your laptop.

users can also wait until the release date of october 26 to download a direct upgrade to a computer for $ 40 instead of buying a $ 70 upgrade dvd package. this is the price only

in an effort to reduce the cost of the new generation operating system, microsoft was forced to give up the playback of movies and music from the optical drive on windows media

in the following tutorial, we will learn how to convert dvd video file format to mp4 / h.264 using hd decrypter support tool of dvdfab and handbrake

when switching to windows 8 operating system, in addition to installing third-party software, you can still watch dvd on windows 8 computer with the accompanying software of

due to the rapid development of digital media and internet platforms, the market for blu-ray optical discs is dying, which is something everyone can easily recognize.