this wikihow teaches you how to create a docx version of an old microsoft word document in doc format, and save a separate copy to your computer in in docx. open your doc file in

you know when you try to fill out forms in word on the provided lines, but the text you type makes the lines move and ruins the formatting? there is a way to get rid of that. this

this wikihow teaches you how to recover an unsaved microsoft word document, as well as how to restore unsaved changes to a saved document. you can do this on both windows and mac

to make any type of writing as effective as possible, it is important that the writer understands his or her audience. what the reader wants, needs, knows, and feels about a topic

whether you are writing an essay for school or a narrative report for work, you have to choose line spacing for any written work. most people prefer to write with a double space

this wikihow teaches you how to convert an apple numbers document into a microsoft excel (.xls) file on a mac, a windows computer, and an iphone, as well as within the icloud

this wikihow teaches you how to print a document on a windows or mac computer. to do so, you must have a printer set up and connected to your computer. make sure that your printer

this wikihow teaches you how to redact (remove permanently) text in microsoft word. the only way to be sure that your text has successfully been redacted is by deleting it, but you

pages is a word processing application on mac os x similar to microsoft word on windows-based computers. since windows is dominant across most corporate and educational

do you want to convert your word document to an epub or mobi file? you can create with a table of contents and chapter breaks for easy ereader navigation and readability. keep

this wikihow teaches you how to download a google doc document and place it on your flash drive. you can do this on both windows and mac computers. plug your flash drive into your

microsoft publisher is an office application that allows you to create professional documents such as newsletters, postcards, flyers, invitations, brochures, and more using

latex is a great program for writing in the scientific and mathematical disciplines. it allows you to make clean, well formatted pdfs, perfect for submission to academic journals

mongodb is a cross-platform database, operating on the concepts of collection and document, it provides high performance, high availability and easy scalability.

with powerful pdfzilla tool, you can easily convert pdf file format to doc, rtf, txt, bmp, jpg, gif, tif, html or swf. the program is simple, easy to use, with only 3 clicks the

in the article below, we will guide you how to change the default font in word 2010. at first glance it seems simple, but really many people do not know how to do ...

since the official launch of google docs on july 7, 2009, the suite of web-based office applications has undergone many changes, including functionality and interface. google's

as we know, there are now a lot of online synchronization and storage services with many basic and advanced functions, including box.net and zoho. in essence, users can fully

did you know that in word 2010 there is a basic feature that allows users to easily convert table format data into text?

zoho office, a free online office service, is used to view and edit documents when there is no microsoft office preinstalled.