connecting columns of this table to another table is often complicated because the rows in this table do not always correspond to the other table. by using vlookup to join the

what is the solution when combining sumif and vlookup functions on excel? what types of calculation will require the combination of sumif and vlookup functions?

to calculate totals on excel, users can use them in three different ways, based on spreadsheets, autosum functions or sum functions with large data areas.

the match function on excel looks for a value defined in an array, cell range on the data table and returns the position of the value in the array, that range.

averageif function on excel is a conditional plus average function in the data table, with the given conditions set by the user.

in excel, product helps users to calculate product values, multiply arguments together, and return their results correctly.

sumproduct function in excel is a function that calculates the total value of corresponding products that users conduct zoning.

to calculate age in excel, we can use these two functions as year or datedif functions.

mid function in excel is a function that takes the middle character string corresponding to the value that the user requires to perform.

in the course of working as well as creating excel data tables, you'll get a lot of errors like errors were detected while saving files in excel, affecting saving excel files.

the search function in excel is used to search for the position and order of a text string, so you can find the position of the word or the data you need.

when converting excel file data into a csv file, you often encounter errors that do not display vietnamese fonts. this will undoubtedly have a small impact on your work. so how

the formula in excel is a program that performs calculations on data tables. these formulas perform very precise operations such as adding, multiplying, or comparing values in

in the process of performing operations on excel spreadsheet, how do you add a white line to the spreadsheet?

when we work with calculations on excel with many different data, copying formulas from one column to another will save time much more work.

when we install the english language on microsoft excel, you will have an english date error, the previous month and then the date and year. so how can i return to the correct

entering chemistry formulas in excel spreadsheets helps us to handle formulas more easily, especially for those who often have to work with chemistry or with math when they have

index is a function that returns an array in excel. when using the index function, you get the values in a cell between the column and the row.

the dmax function in excel is used to find the maximum value in the data table with conditional depending on the conditions that the user uses.

in the process of summing with sum in excel, you will encounter some errors such as not jumping the number, not adding the sum. so how to handle this problem?