sewing is a hobby that many people have a passion for. sharing your work and connecting with other people who share the same craft has become even easier thanks to blogs and social

if you can talk and write in more than one language, have a little more time to write and would like to gain more viewers on your blog, it may be necessary to try making your blog

whether writing a research paper or report, especially dealing with a societal or cultural issue, you may want to use blog posts as references. blogs are cited similarly to other

blogs can be excellent sources for a research paper, especially if they're written by scholars who are experts in the field you're researching. in your research paper, you'll need

blogging is a fun pastime to entertain and inform a large audience. if you're feeling serious about your blog or looking to make money by starting one, the market is easy to access

there are many guides to help users protect their reputation online as well as ways to protect privacy. but do you disappear completely from the web world?

you want to build your own website to organize events, share experiences ... but you're not a 'specialized' person or don't know where to start? ...

if you want people to access your blog via https, you can enable https and https redirection.

integrating google+ into your wordpress website or blog will increase visitor interaction and help reach the 20 million existing users of this social network. some of the

in the previous tutorial, we introduced you to several steps to validate copyright in each article with google, but what if you want to do the same in wordpress?

like many other things, blogging also has a very interesting development history that includes bloggers, not everyone knows.

depending on the viewpoint of the viewer, the website with light, simple but fast operation is much more attractive than the colorful, colorful websites ...

wordpress is the most popular blogging platform in the world today and is also used by vietnamese bloggers to customize their personal blogs instead of using available blog

in the following tutorial, tipsmake.com will introduce the basic steps to install wordpress directly on your website. but keep in mind that manual wordpress installations like

in the following tutorial, tipsmake.com will present the basic steps for you to switch from tumblr blog to wordpress ...

noel and the end of the year holidays are coming, and you can enjoy this exciting atmosphere right inside your wordpress blog with the effect of snowfall. and in the following

an incident involving the data center has made over 10 million blogs inaccessible, including top tech blogs like techcrunch and gigaom.

comment spam first is a comment (comment) posted automatically in blogs, websites, forums ... by programs, scripts or software automatically.

in this article we will show you how to move 'home' from blogger.com to wordpress.

in the following article, tipsmake.com will introduce to you how to add a combination of windows live apps applications for free