More than 10 million blogs stopped working because of a problem
An incident related to the data center has made over 10 million blogs inaccessible, including top tech blogs like TechCrunch and GigaOM .
More than 10 million blogs stopped working because of a problem Picture 1
Access error caused blogs to lose about 5.5 million views.
These are customer-deposited blogs on Wordpress, including VIP accounts.
According to a new Wordpress release, the system has been deactivated for almost 2 hours. ' This is the worst incident in four years and has caused these blogs to lose about 5.5 million views ,' said Matt Mullenweg, the founder of Wordpress.
The cause of the incident is attributed to the unforeseen changes of a core router at one of the data centers. It also "breaks" all recovery measures between data centers in San Antonio and Chicago. .
' However, all data is safe and secure, only access is affected, ' Matt said.
But the exact cause has not been determined. Matt said he will continue to update when there is new information and pledges to have a more secure plan for the future.
' Hopefully, it will take more than 4 years for many of us to experience the same problem again, ' said Wordpress founder.
According to our observations, TechCrunch and GigaOM technology blogs are now back to normal and there are articles reflecting on this incident.
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