icloud is an indispensable cloud service for ios device users, all important data of the device is stored here. here are 9 common errors in the process of using icloud and how to

if you use a mac device, you probably already know time machine. this is basically a backup feature built into macos. time machine is responsible for automatically backing up

we often use computers in our daily lives. tasks such as online buying, doing e-banking, and research all are possible with a perfectly working pc.

after we have finished preparing the nas system, in this second article, we will go through the steps of installing nas4free (freenas 7) on our old system.

after you have completed the os installation on the nas box and finished configuring the ip according to your needs, we usually won't need to touch this machine again unless there

instructions to backup and restore windows 10 with image files to have the operating system as smooth as possible.

you may know that an iso file can be burned to a cd / dvd or usb drive, but do you know that you backup or store your files and folders into an iso file? will be better? with an

in fact, each backup method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the network administrator will compare the two methods of storing the most popular data such as memory

installing or reinstalling windows is really a tedious and time-consuming thing. in addition to having to install the operating system, there are still a lot of essential software

easeus todo backup will help you back up your system, back up data, partition or transfer data from your old hard drive to your new hard drive ...

backing up data seems simple, but if you don't notice or manipulate it, it can lead to data loss. specifically in the article below will introduce you how to backup data in iphone

if you're using an iphone, ipod touch, or ipad, you'll be interested in backing up data on these devices. if you are using ios 5, apple offers you 2 ways to backup: icloud and

surely many of us often recover lost data on the iphone / ipad with the previous itunes backup package. this method is effective but does not allow users to choose the data that

instagram has finally allowed users to download a full copy of their data, and this is how you download personal data from instagram to your computer.

gmail has just added a feature to insert one or more images that have been automatically backed up to your google account on your device into a web-based messaging interface. of

according to an interview with the canadian cbc public broadcast network with jessa jones, the owner of the famous technology repair shop ipadrehab based in rochester, new york,

what apple does is just on the surface, rather than fix the problem from the core.