powerpoint includes a basic set of tools for drawing shapes and lines onto a slide. to utilize free-hand pen and drawing tools, click the 'review' tab, then click 'start inking'

vector graphics (svg) are wonderful things. you can scale them as big or small as you like without fear of blurriness! a clipart is made up of these lovely scalable graphics, and

whether you prefer text chats or video calls, skype is a useful communications tool. when talking with a friend or business partner on skype, sometimes you may wish to check

this wikihow teaches you how to capture and edit a screenshot on an android, iphone, ipad, mac, or windows pc. press and hold the volume down and power buttons simultaneously.

have you ever needed or wanted to markup a file you've created as a file on your computer or saved from another device to your computer? well, with skitch you can mark it up. this

you have downloaded photobie http://www.photobie.com and it looks like a pretty cool program. only problem is, is that its toolbars and layout is just a little bit different that

chickens are cute farm animals that are always popular. drawing chickens on a piece of paper is easy but like most people, you might want to draw it over on the computer instead.

if you want to convert a raster (bitmap) to a vector in inkscape, you'll need to trace the image. fortunately, inkscape comes with an automatic tracing tool that requires neither a

gimp is good for all kinds of things. making your own graphics is fun and can be fulfilling because you are learning new things while you do it! here is how you make a bug in gimp.

everyone can doodle a little bit in any graphics program. this will get you started and explain a general technique of how to actually draw an item. it assumes you have a basic

if you're looking for a project to help you get to know autocad, making a basic l-shaped staircase is a good one. these instructions are for beginning users of the software with

with grepolis hack tool, you can generate free resources like gold. grepolis hack is 100% safe. using it is a simple process, luckily. download grepolis hack archive.

in this article, i will show you how to install and configure the exchange server activesync web administration tool and how to use this tool to perform remote data deletion, check

a very popular new feature in exchange server 2007 enterprise edition is unified messaging (unified messaging). with this feature, you will have several options for remote

in exchange 2003, some basic anti-spam features were integrated, enabling system administrators to reduce unwanted commercial spam (uce), viruses and malware in general.

on windows built-in network diagnostic tool windows network diagnostic. this tool can help you easily identify and solve most network problems.

compact and less resource-intensive applications below are great 'maids', making online life more comfortable, from file transfers, speeding up downloads, downloading bittorrent

in the previous tutorial, we presented some basic steps to connect mobile devices to windows computers via bluetooth. and this lane, we will continue with a product using the ios

when you want to know which font set is being used in any website, what do you do? the most simple and manual way is to view the source of that html page to find information, but

as we know, there are now a lot of online synchronization and storage services with many basic and advanced functions, including box.net and zoho. in essence, users can fully