with gimp, often referred to as the free version of photoshop, users can easily delete objects in the background of the image with just a few tools. this technique requires a bit

clipping mask is much simpler than we imagine. basically, they apply layer masks to a group of layers.

with the release of version 2.10, gimp is now a really viable replacement for photoshop. so is this the right time to cancel the adobe subscription and apply a free open source

today's article will introduce you to six ways to refine the background of an image, such as making the background transparent, clearing the background (to coordinate with other

starting to develop from 2012, gimp 2.10 comes with an image processing tool, a redesigned interface, as well as a host of new features and tools.

to make a photo look like a sketch drawing with gimp, you'll have to manipulate the software that comes with the software.

install the free gimp image editor and you can learn how to turn the blue sky into red and make a normal apple become special in blue just by clicking on a button.

you also have the ability to modify the selections you make. for example, if you want a building that you've highlighted slightly to the left, simply select the building and

using the free gimp image editing application, you can also create custom text and create outline for it with colored borders to your liking.

gimp's excellent photo editing capabilities make it the best free replacement software for photoshop. this article will show you how to use gimp to edit photos.

in addition to features such as resizing, color editing, text manipulation, effects filters and layering, gimp also has the paintbrush tool to create matte strokes on existing

by using a number of filtering tools and effects, you can turn digital photos into a masterpiece like a watercolor painting in gimp.

if you have digital photos with some unwanted details, you can handle them using the gimp (gnu image manipulation program) software.

photoshop is the most popular photo editing application available and gimp is the best free alternative to it. choosing which one to use is not an easy task.

adobe photoshop is one of the great software for graphic designers. beginners using adobe photoshop software will find it very difficult to get used to and use it.

if you're willing to work with scripts, you can use gimp to automate some actions, saving you time and effort.

the photo is memories that are forever recorded and the camera is a tool to capture the special moments in one's life. technology has brought many new advances in the world of

it's easy to change the backgound of a photo in photoshop, but you don't want to pay the expensive cost for that, so gimp will be a wise choice. changing the background in gimp is

you don't want to do 'mess up the mac's lovely os x with lots of useful but messy tools. to end this situation, the following article will introduce you to 5 portable applications

portable application is a shortened version of the software, can run without installation on the server and does not change computer configuration information. in other words, you