how to disguise the facebook virus disguised as video is spreading through messenger thoroughly. this new type of malicious code takes advantage of a user's computer to dig

when updating facebook apps on android and ios, users will be able to use the new feature to set a 360-degree photo as a cover image on facebook.

when logging in to facebook, many accounts encounter a phenomenon that facebook warns of malware-infested computers, with let's check your device for malicious software.

to find old messages in facebook messages, we can use the messages saver for facebook utility on the chrome browser.

on facebook, you can log in to your facebook account through your avatar. if you use this feature, you can customize some settings to suit your needs.

there is a section on facebook that establishes the current status of user relationships with other people such as dating, marriage, etc. and we can change this state very simply.

create avatar and duplicate cover photo on facebook is the new trend now. so how to create that new style for facebook?

newly updated facebook adds new features that allow commenting posts with animations, with many different topics.

u2f is a new validation standard. u2f security key is small usb device. to login, you will not need to enter the authentication code provided from an application or sms anymore,

if you are curious to know where your facebook account is being logged in, or you suspect someone has logged in to your facebook account without your consent, there is a way to

when we use applications or use any website linked to facebook, all personal information is saved to track you including your email address, phone number, activity history or place

do you think your social network accounts are always in a safe state? maybe you have to think again. with the weak passwords you create and use, hackers can easily unlock and

when writing status, your location will automatically be located and posted by facebook when we post status and share to many people. in some cases, that location will cause many

facebook is the most popular social network today. the number of participants using the network is increasing. however, along with the development of facebook, some problems also

those who do not pay attention will easily be the victim hacked or cheated, if you regularly use facebook, then you should start paying attention is just if you do not want to be a

facebook has just added a new emoticon, a rainbow icon for pride month - pride month, a month dedicated to the lgbt community.

the rocket icon on facebook is the representative for the new explore feature for the application on andorid and ios. when users click on this icon, the new news feed will

instead, you can use the authentication application.

in this article, join the network administrator to learn about facebook security through the following multiple choice questions.

after the effects of xoxo and hali exploding on facebook, users recently added a completely new firework effect, with commentary and status 'greeting' keywords.