when windows starts and the user logs on, the operating system launches the explorer.exe process, displaying the windows user environment like the desktop, the taskbar, and the

not responding - not responding. no response, instead of waiting, or restarting. you just need to restart windows explorer.

with clover integrated into windows explorer you can use the tab interface on windows explorer. help manipulate faster, easy file management, multitasking.

normally opening .iso files requires virtual drive creation software like ultraiso. however, from windows 8, 8.1 and later, you do not need to install the software to open

windows explorer, also known as the windows shell, is the graphical user interface (gui) that renders the windows explorer file manager, desktop icons, taskbar, task switcher, and

this wikihow teaches you how to display and locate hidden files and folders in windows. open the start menu . either click the windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen,

this wikihow teaches you how to open the explorer app on a windows computer. on windows 10 and 8, this app is called 'file explorer', while it is called 'windows explorer' on

this wikihow article will teach you how to increase the size of thumbnails and icons in file explorer. this can be helpful if you have issues with your vision. open file explorer.

the desktop mode on windows 8 retains the taskbar which allows you to create shortcuts to programs that you use frequently. it's functionality can give you an advantage with the

internet explorer 11 is the newest version of microsoft's web browser, but not everyone is a fan. if you prefer an older version, or internet explorer 11 isn't working properly,

you may have already tried deleting the icon cache file by following our instructions on how to rebuild the icon cache in windows. if you haven't tried it yet, give it a shot and

from fast start-up and shutdowns to automatic data protection, here are tips that can make windows vista or xp smarter, more reliable and efficient.

internet explorer and firefox have shared nearly 95% of all browsers. each browser has its own features to support users by remembering different usernames and passwords as an

security firm sophos has warned users of e-mail about a new computer virus that spreads quickly with a sophisticated distribution. it is disguised as an email to the user inbox

there are viruses and trojans that infiltrate your computer in a 'silently' way that you almost don't realize its change or harm. but then it will 'destroy' your system by

you may have experienced some disappointment with ie8, as if a new tab would pop up whenever you wanted to send an article or map that messed up the browser, whether hotmail or

web browser add-on components provide a number of features that allow you to create more fun and effective ways to browse the web. these are extension toolbars, mouse cursor

the content of this article revolves around issues: reinstalling or repairing internet explorer 6 and outlook express in windows xp. you may have to do this when problems with ie

some software features that provide functionality for a browser such as activex, java, and scripting (javascript, vbscript ...) can also cause vulnerabilities to computer systems.

according to statistics, internet explorer is the most popular and largest browser on the internet. of course, all of us here find that statistics are not always true or even