ipad is a revolution in mobile devices and can be used for many different purposes. however, like any other computing tool, it is sensitive to online attacks such as hacking,

if you have any concerns about data security stored on dropbox 'cloud' service, you can use boxcryptor with advanced encryption. no one can touch the data even if you get your

rclone has the same function as rsync but can be used for many cloud storage. it is a terminal-based utility that synchronizes folders and files on local systems and on other

apple has set up a synchronization capability for directly arranging data for the os x operating system in its sync services platform.

ios 6 has been officially released and users can upgrade the operating system for their apple devices. the article will guide readers to upgrade iphone, ipod touch or ipad to ios

cloud services are growing strongly, including two names: skydrive and google drive. however, the simultaneous use of two cloud services seems to be ineffective, so let's review

google drive users will no longer have to worry that they cannot access their documents without the internet, as long as they use google's chrome browser.

today, the level of interaction with computers is increasingly dependent on the web browser. therefore, it is very handy if your browser history and settings follow your footing

in addition to downloading torrent files, bittorrent also has a good application that helps to synchronize data between many different devices, namely bittorrent sync. based on

by default windows 10 operating system is built-in onedrive cloud storage service, but not everyone uses this service of microsoft. if you're using dropbox to store your data,

microsoft has released skydrive application installed on computers and phones to easily sync data from the computer to the cloud and vice versa.

with the advent of icloud, apple's service allows storing data and online content outside of your device, you can now sync everything wirelessly between your mac, iphone and ipad.

losing your iphone is not just about losing your hardware, it also means that all your data is lost and likely to be accessed by hackers with malicious intent. when the theft of

if you are using and owning google drive service, microsoft skydrive, dropbox, clouddrive amazon, ... will you ever think about the case of synchronizing data on your computer with

google drive, a long-awaited data storage and synchronization service, has just appeared. the readwriteweb news site has a detailed test of this new service. let's see how google

music purchased from the itunes store cannot be managed by the finder. this is due to strict restrictions from drm and design to focus on managing itunes applications. but, you

soon, users can sync and backup their entire pc to google drive.