Synchronize the folder on your computer with Google Drive, Skydrive and Dropbox
The current online storage services that users refer to as 'Cloud computing' are no stranger to those who have ever used one of these services.
Google Drive, Microsoft's Skydrive, Dropbox, CloudDrive Amazon, . are the current hosting services that are quite familiar to many Internet users, from computers to mobile devices. And if you are using and owning all these services, will you ever think about how to synchronize the data on your computer with these services together?
Not having to use software from 3rd party, only through a few steps below, you can copy and move some necessary files into a special folder of the account.
You can store it in the My Documents folder or somewhere on your computer that is doing your synchronization tasks. Simply create a link, a shortcut for a folder to synchronize any folder on your computer with these storage services without having to move it.
Directory synchronization for SkyDrive and Dropbox
To make the synchronization for SkyDrive or Dropbox, the writer creates an example to guide the steps to make the reader see what the process will be like. Take a look at the picture below and on the left is a SkyDrive account folder in drive D (the writer's) and a SkyDrive Test folder in My Document.
So I want to synchronize SkyDrive Test folders into my SkyDrive account folder without having to move it. You need to use the CMD command panel (go to Start / Run type CMD ), and type the following command:
mklink / J 'D: SkyDriveTest' 'C: UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsSkyDrive Test'
Explain the above command line as follows:
The author creates a symbolic link (sysmlink) using the mklink command. There are 2 parameters here, the first is the location of the symbolic link you want to create and the second is the source directory.
You can see that I don't need to create the TEST test folder in the SkyDrive folder that the mklink command has done, you can name it whatever you like. This command has declared for Windows to create links in the folder of the SkyDrive folder and the source directory is the test directory. After the link is created, you will see inside the SkyDrive folder there is a Shortcut icon.
If you open that folder, the path will appear as stored in D: SkyDrive , but it is actually located in the SkyDrive Test folder in My Documents. So you can add files and folders from 1 location of these 2 folders and both have similar content because the result is only 1 folder, not 2.
For example on writers doing for SkyDrive, and how to do it for Dropbox as well as the above sequence.
Directory synchronization for Google Drive
For Google's hosting service, it is slightly different from the above two services, it does not support symbolic link directories because if you create a link it will not be able to synchronize to the saved service. Its reserves are. However, we can still use the corresponding link, but slightly different and contrary to the way above. The writer will give the following reference example.
Here the writer has a folder of Google Drive on the left and an optional folder taken from drive D is Album Picture , which I want to synchronize that folder with Google Drive. To do this, first move the selected folder as Picture Album into the Google Drive folder. And that folder will be synchronized as usual. So we can perform synchronization by using the inter-line interface as above.
Now the writer will create a symbolic link with the AlbumPicture001 folder in drive D and point to the AlbumPicture folder in the folder of the Google drive. This is in contrast to what the writer has done above with SkyDrive. Access the CMD command panel, and enter the following command:
mklink / DD: AlbumPicture001 'C: UsersUSERNAMEGoogle DriveAlbumPicture'
Now the writer has created a symbolic link that is AlbumPicture001 folder in drive D, where the data of the source directory is stored at the Google drive. In addition, you can name any of this symbolic link folder, not necessarily the same as the source directory, although it is still a Shortcut.
In the image above you can see the AlbumPicture001 folder created as a symbolic link will be pointed to the source folder in Google Drive. It is a shortcut icon, so you can define it as a symbolic link folder. When you open this link folder, it is actually opened from the Google source directory. And from here, when you add any data to this folder will be synchronized with Google Drive.
So, with the above two examples, you can synchronize any folder on your computer with these 3 online storage services.
You should read it
- SkyDrive and Google Drive - Where is the best cloud service for office people
- Instructions for changing file names and folders on Dropbox
- Data synchronization between platforms and devices
- How to use AnyTrans for Cloud to manage cloud services
- Sync Dropbox folder with Windows 10
- The battle between Cloud hosting services: SkyDrive, Dropbox and Amazon Cloud Drive
- The best 'cloud storage' data storage services today
- Supported with $ 500 million, Dropbox is confident to confront Google
- Synchronize cloud storage services on Linux with Rclone
- Instructions for syncing extended folders into SkyDrive
- MultCloud: A comprehensive cloud management solution
- Learn Google Drive details
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