google collects information on each of the searches that are performed through its programs. in 2012, they unified all of their privacy information, allowing you to choose whether

active directory is a network structure that stores domain and network information about all computers and devices as well as user and device software settings. it resides on each

if you've ever seen one of the 'dance moms' performances, you'll already know that they dance to certain music that fits the performance. do any search on youtube for 'dance moms

oxygenos is the software that powers oneplus devices. it's a clean and simple build of android that features plenty of room for personalization. if you've just gotten a new oneplus

eclipse is a open-source application made by the eclipse foundation to help you write java better and it has become the most popular java editor. if you are having trouble getting

use of visuals can make or break a powerpoint presentation. good visuals can keep your audience entertained and engaged, even through sections where you have to rattle off dry

are you constantly trying to get your windows media player files to play on itunes? are you struggling to find a way to convert your files to mp3? here are some helpful tips.

connectify hotspot allows you to share your internet connection with others by turning your computer into a virtual wi-fi router. when you run your own connectify hotspot, other

cocoppa lets you customize your phone with cute icons and wallpapers. if you want to make icons of your own, please read ahead! many people are asking and others are deleting the

icons are small square images used for shortcuts on the desktop or favicons of the sites. windows and any other os provides standard set of icons, but you can create the unique

flac (free lossless audio codec) is a musical encoding format that preserves musical quality, but also takes up a large amount of hard drive space. flac files usually can't be

whether you have a small company or a large one, if you have items that you sell, it is important to keep track of your inventory. this ensures that items are available to your

while ripping cds is a common activity performed by many software programs, even many advanced computer users don't know how to rip a dvd. ripping dvds (computer jargon for copying

the movie industry has every right to its intellectual property. however, when you purchase a dvd, you should be able to do whatever you want with what you've purchased, as long as

automatic updates is a feature of windows update that is designed to keep your computer up-to-date. some people find windows update annoying and would like it to act differently or

windows nt 4.0 (nt stands for new technology) was a 32 bit closed source operating system released on 31st july 1996 orientated at business users. it had a similar interface to

windows hello allows you to unlock your windows device using biometrics or an authentication token. before you can use it, you need to set it

story remix is the successor to windows movie maker. like movie maker, it allows you to edit videos. unlike movie maker, it is still in the works, and does not have all the full

do you want to make sure your children are protected from mature content when they use a browser to view content on the internet? configuring parental controls inside of vista is a

choose in excel allows you to select a value from a list of more than 29 items