british security expert - paul stone demonstrated a completely new attack method of clickjacking attack ...

it can be said that windows 7 has brought a big change in file and data sharing - which has existed for a long time in previous windows versions. and with windows 7, we can

with more than 13 million lines of code, the linux kernel is one of the largest open source projects in the world, but what exactly are they and what do they do in the system?

in the previous article, we introduced you to a couple of 2-dimensional array features - 2d array in javascript, in many cases applied when we need to keep information about 1 or

in the tutorial article below, we will learn about some concepts related to file system - file system for use with portable storage devices. in essence, file systems are extremely

on any windows-based computer, you will see that there are many 'strange' processes that appear in the task manager panel, and one of them is conhost.exe - we'll mention it

as we all know, the stability of any website depends heavily on the host quality, as well as the services that come with the hosting package that users choose.

the first time windows vista was released, the user account control (uac) feature almost immediately received quite a strong objection from the user community. according to

email - the daily work of most computer users needs them, they send and receive emai during business hours, leisure time with friends, family, exchange information with partners,

there will be a lot of people asking about this strange process in the system, whenever you turn on task manager, you will find the wininit.exe line in the processes list. many

in the list of many services that start with windows, surely many people will wonder about rundll32.exe. in essence, what is it, a windows program or a virus, does it harm the

perhaps there is no need to introduce this basic application, which is a text editing and editing program that goes hand in hand with windows 1.0, released in 1985.

in the following article, we will learn about windows' searchindexer.exe process, what is the main purpose of this service, why 'waste' so much ram and cpu of such a system ...

the following general article can be very helpful for those who download movies online, giving a better view of the versions of telesync, cam, screener, ..

in the following tutorial, tipsmake.com will introduce the basic steps to install wordpress directly on your website. but keep in mind that manual wordpress installations like

for wordpress users, if they proceed to update the current version to 3.1.1, it may be the following error: all content and admin pages of wordpress will not be accessible , and

whenever you connect to the internet, security is always a top priority. and in fact, for those who use bittorrent, the risk here is more than double that of normal ...

in the following article, we will explain to you some of the basic differences of the color profile, and the simple fix with photoshop or gimp tool. the main problem for all of

since the official launch of google docs on july 7, 2009, the suite of web-based office applications has undergone many changes, including functionality and interface. google's

let us learn about the top 10 extremely interesting things on the plane that you may not know!