here is how to help you create virtual phone numbers to register new facebook and gmail accounts!

you probably already know https as an enhanced form of http . however, do you already know the difference between http and https ? if not, let's find out with tipsmake.com!

you may not have noticed, but most of the online web traffic in the world today is sent over an https connection, a protocol created with the aim of maximizing 'security'.

this wikihow teaches you how to minimize your online footprint by using encrypted services and hiding your online activity from your internet service providers and ad companies

meanwhile, users will no longer be able to download files via ftp, as well as view the content of links and ftp files in firefox.

small and medium-sized businesses can fully protect themselves from most cyber attacks by increasing defenses against ports that are most often targeted by malicious actors.

in this tutorial, i will show you how to maintain an encrypted connection between your computer and the visited websites.

in the market today, it is difficult to have a social network model that can catch up with the continuous development and growth of facebook. the influence of this social network

in this tutorial we will introduce some simple ways for you to choose what information you should distribute when using different googl products.

there are many different options to block web access, but in this article we will focus on how to use domain name sets and url sets to block access.

what is ssl? what is let's encrypt? if you make a website for money, then read this article.

fiddler is a free web debugging proxy that records all http / https traffic between your web application and the internet. collecting session data with fiddler can be useful for

on the network, secure connections are usually set up using ssl certificates (abbreviated as secure sockets layer). this can be confusing, in part because there are many 'myths'

what is ssl and why is it so many people are interested in seo and website management? let's find out with the network administrator.

after analyzing the top 10,000 domains to answer the question: how to use https to improve serp rankings? . here are some results we want to share for you.

if you want people to access your blog via https, you can enable https and https redirection.

you often visit a website and see https but don't understand what it is and how it is different from http, so read the following article!

cloudfare has recently released 2 new tools designed to simplify the process of checking whether tls connections to the website are blocked.

instead, sites that do not support https will be marked as unsafe.

when the number of websites switches to https a lot, browsers will soon mark every http page as 'not secure' by default.