when you want to test a new system, a new operating system, software, models and solutions ... on an existing operating system platform, the best way is to use a virtual machine.

in this article, i will show you how to create a backup schedule for a virtual machine, run a backup, and then restore the virtual machine from backup.

there are basically two ways to access a virtual disk file (.vmdk) of a virtual machine, which is using the esx service console or vsphere / vmware infrastructure client with a

the tips in this article will show you how to quickly deploy virtual machines using the system center virtual machine manager (scvmm) management program of hyper-v.

in this article we will introduce you to vmware vsphere data recovery software and how to deploy it how to perform data recovery.

there are many things we need to consider before making a decision to upgrade or not upgrade to vsphere.

in this article, i will show you some of the best administrative tasks that are used to administer virtual machines.

how high the vlan works, the system requirements and how to configure it to support vlans as well as how to use vlan tagging between hosts

introduction to vmware 'virtual switch' and the basic issues and techniques used and how to use, configure and manage.

this article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to install vmware esx server guest / virtual machine operating system.

even if you are a loyal fan of microsoft and windows, it doesn't mean you can't use another operating system on windows. and the best way to do that is to use your current

in the following article, tipsmake.com will show you how to install and use ubuntu inside mac os x through virtualbox ...

virtual widows allows you to run many windows applications and software. however, if the application you want to run a full horsepower request for mac, then all the resources on

would you like to try the latest version of android os from google without buying a phone? the following article will help you fulfill this desire with the android sdk simulation

microsoft is free of virtual machines on which windows 10 enterprise, visual studio 2017 and many other utilities to promote the development of universal windows platform

having a virtual machine at hand can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as testing software or edits in a sandbox environment separate from your main operating system.

microsoft has announced it will release a super-sized azure vm that can support up to 12tb of memory in the near future.