the terms uri and url are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same. a url is a specific type of uri that provides a location / method of access.

this wikihow teaches you how to find the internet address for an online picture. the easiest and most-common way to do this is by using a google search, though you can find the url

have a picture of someone, but don't know who it is, or what the picture means? you can use various image searching tools online to find other copies of the image, track down the

have you wondered what a website looked like in the past? wish you could see microsoft.com when windows xp was released? well, you can! the wayback machine is an archival tool that

citing a website in your research paper or essay can be tricky and frustrating, but there are a few techniques you can use to find the publication date. to find when an article or

http post is part of a deprecated http classes like org.apache.http and androidhttpclient as of android 5.1.https://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-5.1.html#http

this wikihow teaches you different ways to save youtube videos to your mac so you can watch them offline. if you don't mind standing by while the video plays, you can record it

please join us to refer to 10 extremely important things that you should remember when using free wifi in the article below!

what is dns? what role does it play and why should you care about it? besides dns there are many additional concepts, one of which is dns lookup. and in this article we will

dns is a core component of the internet. the protocol helps convert a web address, often called a url into a physical address, or ip address. the computer knows how to transmit

antivirus software and firewalls are sometimes not enough to ensure you are safe. this is a way to help you avoid hidden attacks as well as attempts with bad intrigue

using computers is familiar in a modern and vibrant city like hongkong. in 2009, the number of internet-related crimes increased dramatically ...

in this article, we will show you a way worth hundreds of dollars more to buy internet security software.

uniform resource locators - url is another way of writing a web address. urls can be made up of letters (quantrimang.com) or internet protocol addresses (ip ( most

you open too many tabs in firefox? perhaps you will want to close some windows to speed up the browser or reduce confusion and clutter. fortunately, there is a quick tip that

prepare the birth of something simpler but still reliable and hard to deceive.