Google engineers develop URL alternatives

Prepare the birth of something simpler but still reliable and hard to deceive.

For years, DNS servers have helped us access websites with URL addresses.But Google thinks it's time to change.They think the URL is very complicated and easily tricked.Therefore, Google wants to create something new, though it hasn't revealed exactly what it is.

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Uniform Resource Locator or URL abbreviation is used to create a more friendly address than an IP address.Instead of typing a sequence of numbers, just type ''.But over the years, URLs have become increasingly complex and easily exploited by hackers.

'People often find it difficult to understand URLs,' Google chief engineer Adrienne Porter told Wired, 'It's hard to read, it's hard to know which part is trustworthy, generally I don't think the URL is a good choice to convey. identity of the page '.Phishing techniques are so complicated that creating a URL that looks real is not too difficult.

'So we want to move to a place where the web identity is easier to understand, they know who they talk to when accessing the website and know whether it is credible or not,' said Porter Felt.'We want to change the way the URL is displayed and ask questionable questions about it to find a new way.'

It's easier said than done.Even in the Chrome group, the opinions of engineers are not consistent.Porter Felt and Chrome engineering leader Justin Schuh said they had some ideas but it was too early to say anything, especially when they were not united.

Google engineers develop URL alternatives Picture 1Google engineers develop URL alternatives Picture 1
The URL still has many issues

'They say that the focus now is to determine how people use URLs to find alternatives, improve their identity and security on the web, and bring convenience to jobs. like sharing links on mobile devices, 'Wired said.

The Chrome team knew that what they proposed was controversial because often new things were difficult to accept, especially when standards were used for a long time.'Change is always controversial but we need to do something because no one is happy with the URL,' said Parisa Tabriz, engineering director at Chrome.

Google recognized the problem with the URL and tested the 'original chip' in 2014, which only displayed the website name the user visited.When clicked, it will reveal the entire URL.This test received mixed reviews when in Beta, so Google stopped.They said they would take advantage of the feedback received at the time of the new test.

Although the exact route has not been given yet, Porter Felt said it will provide more details this fall or early next year.

See more:

  1. How to identify a link is safe?
  2. URL encoding in HTTP
  3. Create a website in URL form easily with this web tool
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