Uniform Resource Locators - URL in HTML

Uniform Resource Locators - URL is another way of writing a web address. URLs can be made up of letters (quantrimang.com) or Internet protocol addresses (IP ( Most users use names because they are easier to remember.

Uniform Resource Locators - URL is another way of writing a web address.

The URL can be made up of letters (quantrimang.com) or IP address ( Most users use names because they are easier to remember.

URL - Reousece Uniform Locators - Uniform resource positioning

The web browser will request the web page from the web server with the URL. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is used to determine the address of a document (or other data) on the network. A web address like https://quantrimang.com/html/ will follow the syntax rules as follows.



  1. scheme - defines the type of Internet service (usually HTTP or HTTPS)
  2. prefix - prefix of domain name (default with HTTPS is www)
  3. domain - define the domain name (eg quantrimang.com)
  4. port - defines the port number at the host (default with HTTP is 80)
  5. path - defines the path to the server (if omitted, this will be the root of the page)
  6. filename - defines the name of the file or data source

Popular Scheme URL

Popular Scheme URLs (connection protocols) are listed in the table below:

Protocol Full name Purpose of using http HyperText Transfer Protocol Regular, unencrypted web sites https Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, encrypted web page ftp File Transfer Protocol Upload or download file file A file on your computer count

URL encoding

URLs can only be transferred via the Internet using ASCII encoded character sets. If there are non-ASCII characters contained, the URL will be converted. URL encoding will convert non-ASCII characters to another format for transfer over the Internet, replacing these characters with '%' and followed by decimal digits.

The URL cannot contain spaces, usually the encryption process will replace the white space with a plus sign (+) or% 20.

ASCII coding examples

Depending on the character set used on the page, the browser will encrypt the input. The default HTML5 character set is UTF-8.

Character From Windows-1252 From UTF-8 €% 80% E2% 82% AC £% A3% C2% A3 ©% A9% C2% A9®% AE% C2% AE A% C0% C3% 80 Asia% C1% C3 % 81%% C2% C3% 82%% C3% C3% 83 Ä% C4% C3% 84 Å% C5% C3% 85

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