your browser has a problem? tired of wrestling with internet explorer, chrome, firefox, safari or any other browser whenever you want to surf the web?

the home page is the first page that the browser will appear on startup. most web browsers have a default home page that displays recently visited web pages and possibly other

the browser uses a lot of ways to violate user privacy, but there are few user precautions that can be taken when using popular mobile browsers. although these precautions do not

you want to reopen the closed tab in the browser because you accidentally hit the wrong button? with just the keyboard shortcut or basic operation below, you can easily retrieve

safari browser is the default browser on iphonne / ipad device. however, there will be cases where the browser falls into a slow-functioning state, accessing websites not as fast

today, the level of interaction with computers is increasingly dependent on the web browser. therefore, it is very handy if your browser history and settings follow your footing

this may solve one of the browser inherent problems that dominate this market.

you are tired of thinking about how to change the search engine in safari. assuming you want to use the google search engine but on your safari, the default search engine is

mobile websites now do not need flash, instead web developers will provide html5 video for these devices. however, web browsers on computers are not supported for watching html5

this plugin will allow you to enable skype calling from within your browser (including chrome, firefox, ie, safari on windows or mac). if you are using skype on your browser, you

unlike other browsers running windows operating systems, the safari browser on mac os x only allows displaying part of the web link in the address bar. if you want this link to

with screen limitations and processing power, it is important to choose the right internet browser for netbooks

although microsoft still enhances the security of internet explorer (ie), ie is always weaker than its competitors mozilla firefox, opera, safari and google chrome.

with the advent of icloud, apple's service allows storing data and online content outside of your device, you can now sync everything wirelessly between your mac, iphone and ipad.

while a lot of microsoft windows live product lines received a lot of positive compliments from the user community, about the timely improvements and supplements in terms of

while apple and google urgently sought to patch security holes in safari (cve-2017-2419) and chrome (cve-2017-5033) browsers, microsoft did not notice. this security vulnerability

pwn2own is a computer hacking competition held annually during the cansecwest security conference, starting in 2007, challenged candidates to exploit widely used mobile software

the revenue of technology advertising company criteo will fall by more than a fifth in 2018, after apple blocked tracking the site on the safari browser.

as a move to contribute to chrome's heat in the world of web browsers, microsoft has equipped edge to become the first chromium browser to support both widevine and playready drm