to protect your browser history, try private browsing in apple safari or distrust add-on for firefox. for complete anonymity, try free anonymizer or tor.

sometimes we want to get the results from a search engine of the site itself without clicking on the site, this is the way to go.

internet explorer is a microsoft-owned product, so it is very complicated for this browser to work in linux and mac.

since knowing how to use computers and the internet, perhaps internet explorer (specifically ie 6) has become a symbol for early internet users.

according to shareholic statistics about the market share of web browsers in the world, the top of the list is still google's chrome browser, but the most remarkable thing is the

with microsoft releasing ie 11, google will also stop supporting the google apps suite for older versions of ie from ie 9 and below.

according to news softpedia, microsoft's internet explorer is the most popular internet browser today.

microsoft next week, will release a monthly patch of internet explorer browser for july.

users of microsoft products are familiar with patch tuesday - the second third day of the month - often used by microsoft to release patches for their products. tuesday march 12

mozilla has just said it will cancel the decision to suspend all work with the 64-bit version of firefox for the main reason, due to criticism from consumers.

in recent years, google's chrome browser has shown remarkable growth, with an increasing number of users, while microsoft's internet explorer (ie) has lost market share.

this decision will have a significant impact on windows xp - the operating system cannot run ie9 and the upcoming ie10.

shortly after the zero-day security flaw in ie caused many users to face the danger, microsoft just released a patch to fix the problem.

a good download manager application will allow users to restore downloads, continue from where it stopped.

apple 's safari last month was reported to have grown the fastest ever used market share, surpassing the long - standing browser leading to the increase of chrome.

browser shortcuts allow quicker opening of a browser, navigation, zoom and operation faster. this article will summarize general shortcuts on mozilla firefox, google chrome,

using shortcuts on web browsers not only saves you a lot of time in browsing and accessing websites but also helps your hands manipulate more on the keyboard instead of just using

now, it is certainly rare for anyone to deny the utility and what coc coc has to offer. the formidable challenger is getting closer to the # 1 position that google chrome holds.

in this article, i will show you how to fix an error that cannot download the file that appears with ie running windows xp.

according to vietcombank, this bank will stop providing vcb-ib @ nking service from june 30, 2018 to computers using the operating system and browsers no longer supported by the