Mozilla will return to the 64-bit version of Firefox
Mozilla has just said it will cancel the decision to suspend all work with the 64-bit version of Firefox for the main reason, due to criticism from consumers.
Benjamin Smedber, a contributor to this open source browser said: "After announcing the decision to disable Nightly version for Windows 64-bit, there was negative feedback on this issue. After reviewing these feedback and technical comments, I believe we can keep some people to do with this version. "
Mozilla will return to the 64-bit version of Firefox Picture 1
In October, Mozilla said it would stop developing a 64-bit version of Firefox, which was caused by incompatible addons, problem-solving problems, and project priorities. At that time, Smedberg said Mozilla would not provide Firefox 64-bit for Windows in the first half of 2013, but that did not mean that all years.
The x64 version of Firefox developed in Mozilla's Nightly channel, along with two other channels, is Aurora, similar to the alpha version and the official release version channel.
In response to Mozilla's actions, some people said they would abandon Firefox because of this decision, because Firefox 64-bit will allow more than 4 GB of memory available in 32-bit applications, allowing Users can open hundreds of tabs without browser crashes.
According to Smedberg's comments in October, the company's version of Firefox 64-bit encountered some problems in compatibility with addons, while the company also faced some difficulties in product development. this. In addition, the current Smedberg priority of Fireofx is to focus on developing a version that supports the Metro style interface for Windows 8, expanding access to social networks and trying to penetrate the market. Mobile operating system with Firefox OS.
Currently only Microsoft's IE and Opera Software's Opera are offering 64-bit versions for Windows users.
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