Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

In the previous tutorial, we presented some basic steps to install Ubuntu in Windows operating system with the option of dual boot using Wubi. And this time, we will focus on using Ubuntu as a virtual machine in VirtualBox. The advantage of this process is that VirtualBox does not require any boot components, besides that VirtualBox and Ubuntu are completely free.

In the previous tutorial, we presented some basic steps to install Ubuntu in Windows operating system with the option of dual boot using Wubi. And this time, we will focus on using Ubuntu as a virtual machine in VirtualBox. The advantage of this process is that VirtualBox does not require any boot components, besides that VirtualBox and Ubuntu are completely free.

Before embarking on the process, please refer to this article to understand the basic implementation, and here we will proceed according to the following steps:

- Install Ubuntu as a virtual machine system

- Install VirtualBox Guest Addition

First, you need to download the iso version of the Ubuntu operating system to suit your computer configuration here:

Picture 1 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

With VirtualBox already installed, start the program and click the New button:

Picture 2 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Name the operating system you want to create, select the Linux Operating System and the Ubuntu Version :

Picture 3 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

After installing the operating system, the system will show details on the main console. Select the component to start and click the Start button:

Picture 4 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

After VirtualBox downloads all the necessary elements, the First Run Wizard notification window will display. At the next screen, the program continues to ask about Media Source , click Browse :

Picture 5 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Point to the folder containing Ubuntu 's iso file and download it at the previous step, click on Open :

Picture 6 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

The window summarizes all the information that will be set up at the last step, checking the last time to make sure there is no mistake. Click Finish :

Picture 7 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Next, Ubuntu's boot process will start, select the main display language. There are 2 main options for users: Try Ubuntu and Install Ubuntu . Click the Install button to continue:

Picture 8 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Check 2 boxes: Download updates while installing and Install this third-party software at the next screen. This process will help the system to be fully installed, but in return, the execution time is longer:

Picture 9 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Select Next Erase and use the entire disk:

Picture 10 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

And Install Now in the following step:

Picture 11 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

This process will take a long time, please select the corresponding Time Zone in the Install screen. Then press Forward :

Picture 12 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Select next keyboard type and display language:

Picture 13 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Next, we will need an account to login to Ubuntu . And remember, don't forget the password at this step, otherwise you'll have to repeat all the steps above:

Picture 14 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

And keep waiting for this process to end:

Picture 15 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

When finished, Ubuntu will ask you to reboot this virtual machine system:

Picture 16 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

After booting up, Ubuntu is fully installed with components, updated and ready to use. Note that the system will continue to install Ubuntu if the ISO file is still in VirtualBox:

Picture 17 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

To avoid this problem, we will continue with setting up Virtual Guest Additions

Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions:

This feature allows Ubuntu to automatically change the resolution when users change the size of the virtual machine working window, integrating the operation of the keyboard and mouse between the virtual machine and user interaction. . At the main monitor screen of the virtual machine, select Devices> CD / DVD Devices menu> VboxGuestAdditions.iso:

Picture 18 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

The icon of the installation disc will appear on Ubuntu 's Desktop , right-click and select Open with Autorun Prompt from the menu displayed:

Picture 19 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

The pop up window displays and asks if the user wants to continue installing, select Run :

Picture 20 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Enter the information of the account you are using:

Picture 21 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

The whole process will be completed within 1-2 minutes:

Picture 22 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

Then restart the virtual machine again:

Picture 23 of Installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox does not need DVD or USB

And now, our Ubuntu system is complete with VirtualBox Guest Additions . Good luck!

Update 26 May 2019


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