One of the most important tasks in network management is IPAM, short for IP Address Management. All applications and devices on the network are IP dependent and require address

These tools allow users to deploy a new service, perform extensive configuration changes, recover defective devices, check configuration files for different standards, upgrade

Modern Mac users have many ways to connect to the network or the Internet, including Wi-Fi and Ethernet. However, if not careful, users may not use the right connection.

802.11af, commonly known as White-Fi, or Super WiFi, has been around for many years and it began to be used all over the world, to send Internet signals over long distances, up to

Wireless security is extremely important. The vast majority of us connect a mobile device, such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or other device, with a router at many times of

Tethering can be done by various means like WiFi, Bluetooth or USB. Tethering often allows sharing this device's internet connection with another device.

Very expensive web access. If you don't want to pay a large sum of money every month, don't worry too much. Even if there is no regular ISP (Internet service provider), there is

One way to increase your understanding of WiFi security is to try to hack the network. But you absolutely should not intrude on the company or neighbor's network.

Hiding the SSID will make your Wi-Fi network safer with the risk of unauthorized intrusion. This article will show you how to hide Wifi networks, discuss security issues when

You should consider turning off the old 2.4GHz band on your home Wi-Fi network and using the new, faster and less 'crowded' 5GHz band. Let's find out through the following

Most Linksys brand routers have the default admin password and the default IP address is but some models are not. Specific details will be available in the table

Forgetting your Wi-Fi password can quickly become an obstacle, but don't panic. If you have a PC or Mac connected to that wireless network, today's article will show you how to

Wi-Fi networks provide you with network encryption options with WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) or WEP key (Wired Equivalent Privacy). Sometimes, because it is used to automatically

Netgear routers usually have a default password of password and the default IP address is or However, as the table below shows, there are many exceptions.

D-Link routers almost never require the default password and often use the default IP address of but there are exceptions, as you can see in the table below.

The IP address is a private IP address that can be used on a client device or assigned to a part of the network hardware as its default IP address.

Is your wireless connection okay? Your Wi-Fi may be slow. This problem is quite common in high density residential or residential areas. Fortunately, this problem is not

For those who work on the Internet, it is difficult to travel or work to rural areas. This article will show you how to use MicroEmulator emulator software to use the Internet is a private IP address, meaning it is used exclusively on private networks where it will be the IP address of the router or one of the devices on the network. is a private IP address, sometimes used on local networks. Home networks, especially those with Linksys broadband routers, often use this address along with other