you want to install microsoft office 2007 on your computer. the following tutorial will help you somewhat about installing the microsoft office 2007 word processor

in the field of handling office work, microsoft office has almost no competitors with many outstanding features, the ability to handle smart and convenient jobs. however, for

windows skydrive is a great file hosting and sharing service. if you have to work with microsoft office documents every day, the article will show you how to save these documents

mixing text will be helpful when making meeting invitations, announcements, sending salaries to many people. here's how to mix text and merge messages in word 2003, 2007, 2013,

files in .docx format can only be opened with microsoft word 2007 or higher and previous versions will not be readable. therefore, to read these docx files, the installed

text files in .docx format for versions from microsoft word 2007 or higher (before that, the file is in .doc format). and to open these .docx files, you need to have office 2007

similar to the doc file in microsoft word, users are too familiar with the xls format file in microsoft excel. therefore, many people will be surprised to receive the xlsx file.

many people wonder if they get similar tail files like ppt, pps, ppts and ppsx without knowing what files they are, the differences and how to open them. today, we will answer

although there are many new text editors available, microsoft word is still the most popular software. in addition to the basic techniques, read the following tips to really

although the office 2010 interface has colors and icons that are not as sharp as office 2007, but they are arranged in a clear, more intuitive way for users as well as adding many

here's how to view word 2007 keyboard shortcuts and detailed print instructions, which help you work faster when working with text files.

this article is for customers who bought microsoft office 2007 software copyright from march 5, 2010

do you feel strange about the ribbon interface in office 2010? in this article we will show you how to find office 2003 commands in office 2010.

after opening the document on ms word, the program will automatically store the most recently opened files so you can quickly reopen it when needed ...

microsoft office is still the most used office toolkit today. but this product is not perfect and convenient for users ...

we can easily add any office feature to the quick access toolbar that appears at the top right of the screen, next to the office button.

there are still many commands and features in ms office products that are not easy to find. would you like to have a search feature for your request.