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the options available for outlook 2010 allow users to easily manage and monitor their settings with the program, mailbox sections, folders, schedule and send and receive emails,

in the tutorial below, we will show you some basic steps to insert a background image or add color in an email via microsoft outlook 2007 or 2010 application. but you need to keep

in the following article, tipsmake.com will introduce you to xobni plus software - an addin support for outlook program.

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in the article, we will introduce and share with you 5 'digital libraries' that provide the largest free ebook source for amazon kindle.

selecting and shedding colors separately for data areas is especially useful when you have a spreadsheet with lots of different statistics. in the following article, we will show

in the following article, we will show you some basic steps to assign the up and down function buttons in the excel spreadsheet. to do this, we need to activate the ribbon

in the tutorial article below, we will introduce you to some of the basic features of the section in the microsoft word 2010 application. dividing and inserting a section into a

in the following tutorial, we will show you some basic and necessary steps to create and print label in microsoft word 2010 program with just a few steps to set up. technically,

when you want to know which font set is being used in any website, what do you do? the most simple and manual way is to view the source of that html page to find information, but

as we all know, utilities that support software (also known as add - on) often yield greater efficiency than normal. in the following article, we will introduce a list of 10 add -

in the previous articles, we presented some basic methods to remove background images in photos using adobe photoshop, but besides, you have tried to think about how to work on

the google cloud connect toolkit for microsoft office can be considered a comprehensive solution for you to combine, synchronize documents of word, powerpoint, and excel, and can

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in the quiz below, you will be able to try out part 2 of the series related to core java - one of the most popular programming languages today. in total, the test will have 15

in the quiz below, we will introduce you to part 1 of the jdbc basic knowledge test series with 15 questions.