getting the best at home workout means having great equipment that will help you reach your exercise goals. check out this list for some equipment to get you started today.

make your home office a convenient place to work. check out our best home office work desk picks from amazon to create a space that will keep you focused and comfortable.

you want to upgrade windows 10 operating system without knowing which version to choose for your computer. the following article will go over the versions of windows 10 home, pro,

you've got all the tech and know-how you need to stay on schedule. here's how to make it come together.

google is my favorite at-home assistant, but there are a few things it could do to make life even easier.

experts agree: working from bed is bad for your body and mind. i did it anyway.

the response to covid-19 has spurred 'enormously rapid growth' during the last three weeks, with more than 700,000 new volunteers joining the 30,000 who were already active

these are the major issues that tripped us up during the first weeks of remote work.

this wikihow teaches you how to watch a video from your computer on an ipad by using itunes. open your ipad's settings. it's a grey app with gears on it that you'll likely find on

oxygenos is the software that powers oneplus devices. it's a clean and simple build of android that features plenty of room for personalization. if you've just gotten a new oneplus

have you ever reinstalled openoffice (oo) or libreoffice (lo) after moving to a different pc? if so, you know that you have to spend some good 15 minutes to customize and fit oo/lo

home sharing is an itunes feature that allows you to share itunes content with other devices on your home network, including computers, ios devices, and an apple tv. to use home

this wikihow teaches you how to forward calls from your home phone to your cell phone, which will allow you to receive calls to your home phone on your cell phone. check your

this wikihow teaches you how to turn a group of files into an iso file on a linux computer. you'll use the linux command line to do this. gather your iso files in the home

this article is part of a new format experiment! please don't tag. if you're shopping for a new pc, you've probably noticed two different versions of windows 10: home and pro. at

in the following article, we will cover the basic steps for setting up an http server system.

have you ever wondered why some programs in linux are stored under different directories like / bin, / sbin, / usr / bin or / usr / sbin?

to choose a laptop that is suitable for both configuration and price, you must calculate what you want to use the computer for. depending on your needs, you will choose the

now those who have upgraded their device to android p beta will be able to experience this new feature. however, in the default interface the navigation keys are still designed

this bizarre biologist was created by a multidisciplinary scientific team of more than 40 partners, including design firm een til een, gxn sustainable architecture company, kebony