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after 20 years of existence on windows platforms, microsoft recently announced that it will upgrade cmd.exe (aka command prompt) in the new windows 10 version - specifically

on windows 10 build 14971, microsoft replaced command prompt and command prompt (admin) with windows powershell. according to microsoft, this change will bring the best command

on windows 10, users can view the cpu information installed on their computer using the command. if you want to see detailed information about your cpu without having to restart

windows 10 finally supported with ctrl + c and ctrl + v keys to paste in the command prompt window. however, by default this feature is not enabled and you have to take a few

often users often turn off the computer, restart the computer ... using the shutdown options on the start menu. however, few of us know that using command prompt can also

windows powershell is a tool built into windows 10. this tool has the ability to set up more features than command prompt, better operating system control .... most likely,

windows 10 also allows users to burn iso files without having to use any 3rd party software or tools. actually burning iso files doesn't need to use the first integrated third

to manage the wireless network connection on a windows 10 computer, you can use the settings or control panel applications. however, there are many advanced settings that you

file explorer is a data management tool integrated in windows 10 with many improvements compared to previous windows versions. but few know about nine ways to enable file explorer

with 5 tools to be introduced below, you can perform calculations or convert units, customize the system, quickly open applications or even use the same command line interface on

the prompt command changes the command prompt cmd.exe file.

let's tipsmake.com refer to the tutorial how to compile and execute java by command prompt on windows and mac computers!

you can use the cmd command to perform some tasks that normally only use mouse, drag and click. the cmd command is also quite useful when you need to create scripts and automated

command prompt is used to execute batch files, perform tasks quickly, help you troubleshoot and solve some windows problems when the system crashes. however, not all commands in

in the following article, tipsmake.com will introduce you how to hide data in a text file, ensure safety when no one can find or detect unless they know the exact name of the file

the hard drive uses smart (self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology - self-monitoring, analysis and reporting technology) to evaluate its own reliability and determine

in the framework of the ongoing build 2019 conference, microsoft has released official information about the new console for windows 10 in a more modern way, called windows