microsoft seems to be planning to bring to windows 11 an extremely popular utility on macos and linux: the 'omnipotent' sudo command.

if you're the only one using your linux computer, why let it keep asking for passwords? let's see how you can use sudo without having to enter your password every time through the

the user password is changed in debian using the passwd command. in this article, tipsmake.com will explain how root users can change their own passwords on debian servers.

if you are looking for a way to make a cheap web server, primarily to be used as a testing environment or to store files, then the raspberry pi is perfect for you. what is a

this is done with ubuntu 12.04 32-bit, but will probably also work for newer versions. see appcelerator's own documentation for 64-bit differences. this will be referring to

you can open any mac application with root privileges, as long as you have an administrator password. as always, do not use root access unless you know what you are doing, as you

your default gateway is the ip address of your router. typically this is automatically detected by your operating system during installation, but you may need to change it. this is

mesa is an open-source implementation of the opengl specification - a system for rendering interactive 3d graphics. technically, opengl is just a specification, implemented by your

if you use the ubuntu operating system, upgrading to the newest version will give you access to the latest features and optimizations. the upgrade process in ubuntu is very

to run administrative tasks in linux, you must have root (also known as superuser) access. having a separate root account is common in most linux distributions, but ubuntu disables

this page is meant to help new software developers to set up an independent lab environment to run the ids/ips snort as well as the testing framework pytbull. advanced users can

a flaw in the sudo linux command has been discovered, which may allow non-privileged users to execute commands as root.

in the following article, we will show you how to install and configure ubuntu web server system on remote host. to do this, you need to prepare several factors as follows ...