Search results: excel tricks

on excel, there is an automatic column numbering feature, users will no longer need to drag cells in order as usual.

during the spreadsheet process on excel, we will have to work with many types of numbers, including negative numbers. and if you want to differentiate negative numbers from other

manipulating 1 cell into 2 diagonal triangles with a line on excel is a very basic operation and is often performed during the process of creating tables on excel.

daverage in excel is a function that calculates the average value of data with given conditions in a spreadsheet. so, how to use this function?

the dmax function in excel is used to find the maximum value in the data table with conditional depending on the conditions that the user uses.

in the process of summing with sum in excel, you will encounter some errors such as not jumping the number, not adding the sum. so how to handle this problem?