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writing your life story can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have never told it start to finish before. you may decide to write your life story down on paper to then

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ever played an online game and thought, 'i wish i could make one of these, i have some great ideas'? in the past it was necessary to have learnt how to code in actionscript 3, the

creating a server from scratch is a big task. however doing so can greatly improve your programing skills and can allow for you to modify it to your needs. this tutorial will be

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c++ is a mid-level programming language—it easy to write and it runs very quickly. as a result, it is widely used to develop games, business apps, and software, such as google

this guide will walk you through the steps need to compute the area of a triangle using the heron's formula in netbeans. you may use any ide you like, but this tutorial will be

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this guide will show you how you can store your sessions securely in a mysql database. we will also encrypt all session data that goes into the database, which means if anyone

tables make up the structure of your mysql databases. tables contain the information that is entered into the database, and can be created to suit basically any data storage need.

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pdf files allow you to preserve the original formatting of your document, and allows the file to be read on nearly any operating system. creating a pdf from a text file has gotten

acquire an n-helix image below made of spheroids either by following a former article and the modifications to it or simply by following the steps laid out in order below. become

in this article, you'll learn to make the 'floral glassware' pattern and image below, and the dozens of variations the file permits therefrom. become familiar with the image(s) to

in essence, there are many websites hosting separate photo libraries and shared designs, all embedded in the page with thumbnails, the purpose of this is when the user clicks. on

in this flash tutorial, we will guide you to create a dynamic flash menu with sound. you can use this menu on any website.

how do you find a page in a long word document? here, tipsmake.com will introduce you how to create, use and manage bookmarks in word 2003, 2007 and 2010 applications.

microsoft giant is constantly developing its applications on both computers and mobile devices. recently, the company introduced the ability to create, edit and delete groups for