Create a border (border) around the text

MS Word: continues to guide the tips in office computing. Today's tutorial will show you how to create a border (border) around the text and fill the background color of the contoured text.

Create a border (border) around the text.

Before creating a border, select the text (black out).

Method 1 : Click on the icon

Picture 1 of Create a border (border) around the text
Table borders (In this way, you will not be able to select custom border types).

Method 2 :

1. Go to Format Border and Shading .

Picture 2 of Create a border (border) around the text

2. Show Border and Shading dialogs, select Border tab:

Picture 3 of Create a border (border) around the text

  1. Setting: Border type:
    1. None: No borders
    2. Box: Normal contour type
    3. Shadow: Contour type with shadow
    4. 3-D: 3D contour type.
    5. Custom: Optional border type (Example: You can select each border to be a different type of border, color, or bold, light stroke . different).
  2. Style: Contour line style.
  3. Color: Contour color
  4. Width: Contour width. (bold, light strokes)
  5. Apply to: Apply to:
    1. Text: Each line has a border.
    2. Paragraph: Each paragraph has a border
  6. Show Toolbar button: Display the Tables and Borders toolbar used to edit borders.

Picture 4 of Create a border (border) around the text

  1. The Horizontal Line button . => The Horizontal Line dialog box appears: Select the horizontal line type.

Picture 5 of Create a border (border) around the text

  1. Options . => The Border and Shading Options dialog box appears: Change some properties about the distance from the text to the outline stroke.

Picture 6 of Create a border (border) around the text

3. Click the OK button to finish creating the outline for the paragraph.

Want to fill the background color of the bordered text

1. Go to Format Border and Shading .

Picture 7 of Create a border (border) around the text

2. The Border and Shading dialog box appears, Shading:

Picture 8 of Create a border (border) around the text

- Fill: Select which background
- More Colors button . Expand the colors to select
- Style: Choose a style with small dots in the background.
- Color: Color of small dots.
- Inside Preview area: Display selected features.

3. Click the OK button to complete the background fill.

Update 24 May 2019


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