• How to Check if Your Computer Is 64 Bit

    How to Check if Your Computer Is 64 Bit
    this article explains how to determine whether your computer/server is running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of a ms windows operating system. perform the following steps on your
  • How to Enable IP Routing

    How to Enable IP Routing
    when using windows nt or other operating systems, you may need to know how to enable ip routing and set up static routing tables using route.exe. ip routing is the process that
  • How to Shut Down or Restart Another Computer Using CMD

    How to Shut Down or Restart Another Computer Using CMD
    command prompt is a feature of windows that provides an entry point for typing ms‑dos (microsoft disk operating system) commands and other computer commands. you can use the
  • How to Format a Pendrive if Windows is Unable

    How to Format a Pendrive if Windows is Unable
    if your usb drive is not being recognized by windows, or is not formatting properly, there may be problems with either windows or the usb drive itself. if the problem is on
  • How to Code a Phrasal Template Word Game Using Javascript

    How to Code a Phrasal Template Word Game Using Javascript
    phrasal word template games are game in which the player fills in a random part of speech, not knowing what it will be applied to. the most popular example of this is madlibs. this
  • How to Set Up a Lightweight LAMP VM

    How to Set Up a Lightweight LAMP VM
    if you need to quickly setup a lightweight lamp (linux, apache, mysql, php) virtual server for testing or presentation, the guide below will teach you how to do so. download and
  • How to Use Excel VBA Variable Data Types

    How to Use Excel VBA Variable Data Types
    you will learn to create the different types of excel vba (visual basic for applications) variable data types. vba makes life easy for programmers because it can handle all the
  • How to Write a C++ Program That Determines if a Word Is a Palindrome or Not

    How to Write a C++ Program That Determines if a Word Is a Palindrome or Not
    these instructions will guide you in writing a computer program in c++ that will tell the user if a particular word is a palindrome (a word that reads the same backward as it does
  • How to Make a Program Using Notepad

    How to Make a Program Using Notepad
    this wikihow teaches you how to use your windows computer's notepad app to create a program. to do this, you'll type a program's code line-by-line into notepad and then save the
  • How to Format Text as Code in Discord

    How to Format Text as Code in Discord
    this wikihow teaches you how to create a code line or code box in discord chat. you can do this on both desktop and mobile versions of discord. open discord. click or double-click
  • How to Use Plain Text

    How to Use Plain Text
    fed up waiting for pdf books to load or download? tired of others being unable to open your document? plain text saves space, is lightning fast, cross platform capable, and great
  • How to Use MatLab to Solve Matrix Equations and Perform Statistical Analysis

    How to Use MatLab to Solve Matrix Equations and Perform Statistical Analysis
    this instruction set explains how to solve a matrix equation and perform statistical analysis on a matrix in matlab. *the matrix equations will be in the form ax=b. *the
  • How to Create Pointers in C

    How to Create Pointers in C
    pointers are the nightmare of every new c programmer. however, they are also the feature that made c the widespread, powerful programming language it is until today. like many
  • How to Compile a C Program Using the GNU Compiler (GCC)

    How to Compile a C Program Using the GNU Compiler (GCC)
    this wikihow teaches you how to compile a c program from source code by using the gnu compiler (gcc) for linux and minimalist gnu (mingw) for windows. open up a terminal window on
  • How to Set the Path in Java

    How to Set the Path in Java
    this wikihow teaches you how to set the path for your java installation on windows, macos, and linux. if you're using a windows pc or mac and have just installed java, there's
  • How to Create a CSV File

    How to Create a CSV File
    a csv file, which is a 'comma separated values' file, allows you to save your data in a table-structured format, which is useful when you need to manage a large database. csv files
  • How to Acquire a Conical Helix with Spheroids Image in Excel

    How to Acquire a Conical Helix with Spheroids Image in Excel
    acquire the conical helix image below made of spheroids either by following a former article and the modifications to it or simply by following the steps laid out in order below.
  • How to Make a Finance Spreadsheet

    How to Make a Finance Spreadsheet
    spreadsheet software can be used to create a powerful personal finance management tool. the following instructions can be used to make a personal finance spreadsheet in microsoft
  • How to Create a Gradebook on Microsoft Excel

    How to Create a Gradebook on Microsoft Excel
    learning how to create a grade book sheet on microsoft excel is a great tool to use. it provides a spreadsheet of data and formulas that will minimize the time and effort spent on
  • How to Multiply in Excel

    How to Multiply in Excel
    this wikihow teaches you how to multiply numbers in excel. you can multiply two or more numbers within one excel cell, or you can multiply two or more excel cells against one