Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider

This tutorial will help you learn how to create a set of RGB color sliders in the Flash 8 program. Please follow the steps of the lesson sequentially or download the source file for reference.

This tutorial will help you learn how to create a set of RGB color sliders in the Flash 8 program. Please follow the steps of the lesson sequentially or download the source file for reference.

Step 1

Create a new flash file. Go to Modify > Document ( Ctrl + J ). Set the width of the flash file to 450 x 350px . The background color you can set arbitrarily, in this lesson I will use white. Set the frame rate to 14fps or whatever you want.

Step 2

Pick the Rectangle Tool ( R ). In the Properties Panel select the Fill color to be red, Stroke color choose no color, then draw a rectangle with dimensions of 5x 225px .

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 1Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 1

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 2Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 2

Step 3

Take the Rectangle Tool (R) and continue drawing a horizontal rectangle (to make the color control bar) with a size of 40 x 10px and place it as shown below.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 3Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 3

Step 4

Select the entire slider ( Ctrl + A ) and press F8 key ( Convert to Symbol ) to convert it into a Movie Clip.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 4Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 4

Step 5

When the Movie Clip created (slider) is still selected, go to the Properties Panel ( Ctrl + F3 ). On the left side of Properties you will find the entry, enter the name in the field that is RedSlider

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 5Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 5

Step 6

Grab the Selection Tool (V) and double click on the Movie Clip. You will edit inside the movie clip

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 6Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 6

Step 7

Select the Selection Tool (V) and select only the horizontal slider (created in step 3). Press F8 ( Convert to Symbol ) to convert it into a Movie Clip.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 7Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 7

Step 8

When the horizontal slider is still selected, go to the Properties Panel and enter RedControlBar in the box. See the picture below.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 8Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 8

Step 9

Using the Selection Tool, select once the horizontal slider, open the Action Script Panel (F9) and enter the following code:

onClipEvent ( load ) {
top = _y ;
bottom = _y +224;
left = _x ;
right = _x ;

Step 10

Close the Action Panel (F9) and select the Selection Tool (V). Double click on the newly created Movie Clip (horizontal slider)

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 9Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 9

Step 11

Press F8 again to move the horizontal slider to Button.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 10Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 10

Step 12

When the horizontal slider is still selected, go to the Properties Panel and enter RedControlBarBtn

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 11Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 11

Step 13

Take the Selection Tool (V) click once on the button (Button) you just created, go to the Action Script Panel (F9) and enter the following code:

on ( press ) {
startDrag ( this , false , left, top, right, bottom)
on ( release ) {
stopDrag ();

Step 14

Return to the main scene (Scene 1)

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 12Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 12

Step 15

Using the Text Tool (A), go to the Properties Panel and select the properties below:

- Choose Dynamic Text . You need to select this type of text because it can be changed via ActionScript.

- Select Arial font, bold type ( B )

- Choose font size 12

- Text color is black.

- The rendering option is Bitmap text (no anti-alias)

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 13Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 13

Then click and drag a text field below the slider. See the picture below.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 14Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 14

Step 16

In the Properties Panel , in the Var section enter redRGB

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 15Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 15

So we have completed the first slider ( Red ). Repeat the steps above to create the Green and Blue colored bars according to the respective steps.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 16Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 16

Step 17

Using the Oval Tool (0), select no color for the Stroke color , and choose any color in the Fill color field and draw a circle with a size of 230 x 230px

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 17Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 17

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 18Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 18

Step 18

Select the drawn circle, press F8 key ( Convert to Symbol ) to convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 19Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 19

Step 19

While still selecting the newly created Movie Clip (circle), go to the Properties Panel and enter circle into the section

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 20Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 20

Step 20

Now create a control point: select the Oval Tool (O), choose the Stroke color without color, Fill color choose any color and draw a 5 x 5px circle.

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 21Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 21

Step 21

When the control point is still selected, press F8 key and convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 22Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 22

Step 22

Go to the Properties Panel of the control point, at the part and enter ControlPoint .

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 23Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 23

Step 23

Pick the Selection Tool (V), click on the control point, go to the Properties Panel again. On the right side you will see the Color menu section. Select Alpha and 0% .

Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 24Macromedia Flash - RGB color slider Picture 24

Step 24

onClipEvent ( enterFrame ) {
_parent .redRGB = ( _parent .RedSlider.RedControlBar. _y +122) .toString (16);
if ( length ( _parent .redRGB) == 1)
_parent .redRGB = "0" + _parent .redRGB;
_parent .greenRGB = ( _parent .GreenSlider.GreenControlBar. _y +122) .toString (16);
if ( length ( _parent .greenRGB) == 1)
_parent .greenRGB = "0" + _parent .greenRGB;
_parent .blueRGB = ( _parent .BlueSlider.BlueControlBar. _y +122) .toString (16);
if (length ( _parent .blueRGB) == 1)
_parent .blueRGB = "0" + _parent .blueRGB;
finalColor = "0x" + _parent .redRGB + _parent .greenRGB + _parent .blueRGB;
_parent .circleColor. setRGB (finalColor);
_parent .circleColor. setRGB (finalColor);

Step 25

Create a new layer and name it action. Select the first frame, go to the Action Script Panel (F9), enter the following code:

circleColor = new Color (circle);

And finally test the product (Ctrl + Enter).

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