# FF0000
# FF8000
(255,128,0) YELLOW
# FFFF00
# 80FF00
(128,255,0) GREEN
# 00FF00
# 00FF80
(0.255,128) CYAN
# 00FFFF
# 0080FF
(0,128,255) BLUE
# 0000FF
# 8000FF
(128,0,255) MAGENTA
# FF00FF
# FF0080
12 main colors of RGB:
RED The terminology of color, wheel color and skill used to color Picture 5
This is the most common color combination, using two opposite colors on the color wheel. These colors look naturally beautiful when walking together because of the strong impact on the viewer because of the high contrast, together they will look brighter and more prominent. However, avoid using the same color ratio, you should choose a predominant color and the remaining color for smaller accompanying details to help prevent roughness.
Monochromatic color scheme means that you will get a favorite color and use tint, shade, tone variations (explained in the content below) to create subtle, full-color works Different dark colors, forming a long monochromatic color .
Monochromatic color scheme is both minimalist and high value for the work. This color scheme is very eye-catching and pleasant to the viewer, bringing a high level of focus, the viewer is not distracted but only focuses on the important content.
This is a combination of flexible colors, easy to apply for design projects to decorate houses, small apartments . help the space become more bright and spacious. For a large space, monochromatic increases the expanse of that space.
The same color is a group of three colors standing side by side in the wheel of color (regardless of heat - cold), standing close to each other looks quite similar to create very elegant and attractive color schemes.
Combining similar colors in a variety of colors than a monochromatic color scheme. However, if you leave the colors with equal proportions, they are easy to overwhelm, looking a little confused. The best way to balance is to choose a dominant color and use the remaining colors as a highlight.
This color scheme uses three equally spaced colors on the color wheel to create a color band with high contrast, but less than the complementary color scheme. This combination creates rich, vibrant color bands.
Three colors are located at three different angles on the color wheel, so they combine and complement each other to create a balance for this color scheme. However, it is also because of this balance, although there are three colors used, but sometimes you will still see this combination is quite monotonous, safe and lack of creativity.
This color scheme uses four equally spaced colors on the color wheel. However, you must be careful not to use all four colors at the same level as it will create chaos. The more colors in your palette, the harder it is to balance.
The four color scheme works best when you choose a dominant color and use the remaining colors as highlights.
The color wheel is divided into hot and cold colored areas. Color combinations using color wheels will often balance between hot and cold colors. According to color psychology, color "temperature" will evoke different feelings when we look at a design. For example, warm colors will give viewers a sense of comfort and energy, while dark colors give a sense of tranquility and tranquility.
Hot colors range from Red to Yellow. The vibrant colors in this range are like the sun, used when you want to draw attention. Hot colors have a strong effect, affecting the space around it.
Cold colors are between Green and Purple. These colors bring a cool, gentle mind.
Tint is the color created after adding white to the original color to increase the brightness of the color. Tint helps reduce the "intensity" of color, which is quite useful in balancing colors when mixing colors.
Shade is the color created after adding black to the original color to reduce the brightness and increase the darkness of the color. Shade creates deeper and more diverse colors. Shade to impress and can overwhelm other colors.
Tone is the color created after adding gray to fade the original color. Tone is a more refined version of the original color.
Hue - Tone
Hue is a combination of 12 different colors on the color wheel. Hue is the element used to transform into the aforementioned Tint, Shade, Tone by adding black, white, and gray colors to the original tones.
Saturation - Saturation
Saturation is not created when you mix Hue with other colors but simply the way colors are displayed under different lighting conditions. Saturation helps depict dark or light colors according to different light-intensity intensity. This value is also known as color intensity.
Luminance - Brightness
Luminance is the brightness or darkness of a certain color, changing the brightness of colors by dragging their Luminance to the right or left.
Color is the essence of humanity. Learn how to use colors effectively in your work and life, the results will really make you satisfied.