Accessing websites starting with https, certified by security companies or not using computers and public wifi for transactions will help users be safer when making online

Recently, in Vietnam, it is evident that Yahoo! Messenger is cheated to take a chat account. Bad objects have impersonated names to deceive victims' friends and relatives to

Wireless networks are one of the great inventions of the 21st century. Instead of using cables to connect computers and devices together, you can now use radio waves to connect.

There are many tools on the market today that allow users to know if a website is safe to access. We will learn how they work and where they appear.

Of the majority of our users, you probably already know that in Windows XP, Windows 7 and the latest version of the current operating system - Windows 8 has built-in data security

If viruses and malware are common problems or merely users worry that your antivirus program is not enough, you can add a few layers of protection to your computer by installing

Deep in Windows is a command-line world that is obscure. In this article, we will show you how to solve errors and make your computer more secure.

In the first quarter of 2011, business users faced an average of 274 web-based malicious attacks, an increase of 103% compared to 2010.

iPad is a revolution in mobile devices and can be used for many different purposes. However, like any other computing tool, it is sensitive to online attacks such as hacking,

Windows operating system contains the utility Shutdown.exe, a simple utility to shut down or restart the computer remotely via the local network. To use the Shutdown.exe utility,

If you have any concerns about data security stored on DropBox 'cloud' service, you can use BoxCryptor with advanced encryption. No one can touch the data even if you get your

But Web applications can hide more than you think, and in some cases they are actually malware. You need to be aware of the dangers that Web applications can bring and know how to

Malware (malware) can sneak into the BIOS in your computer and then activate itself before any anti-malware has a chance to detect it. Therefore, you should set the password for

TipsMake.com - With the current popularity of Joomla, it is not surprising if many hackers take it as the main goal. However, you don't need to worry. There are a number of

There are several add-ons that help keep your online connection safe and protect your privacy. For those who prefer a simple automated setup method, Cocoon is really a convenient

Apple has now introduced an entirely new model that is extremely impressive and no doubt its market share will be expanded. It was good news for Apple but raised concerns about

Both VPN and SSH allow network traffic to be transmitted through a secure connection. They have similarities but there are also differences. If you're wondering which technique

Wi-Fi networks are not yet a safe environment. On private networks, users can enable secure encryption to prevent illegal users from connecting and capturing traffic. However,

DNS is a core component of the Internet. The protocol helps convert a web address, often called a URL into a physical address, or IP address. The computer knows how to transmit

In addition to noting two dangerous forms of malware, the FBI offers advice for Android users to enhance mobile device protection.