Three ways to protect Mac from malware threats - Apple has now introduced a completely new model that is extremely impressive and no doubt its market share will also be expanded. It was good news for Apple but raised concerns about security. The more people switch to using Apple products, the more likely it is that the malware will be pulled.
There were many tips and updates to help protect the Mac. In this article, we are interested in operating system updates, improved application features and antivirus software to increase the security of Apple devices.
But, users must be aware that these 3 factors are not enough to protect them from the latest viruses. Keep up to date with the latest versions to protect yourself.
Here are three security enhancements that will help protect the Mac in the future.
Next Mac OS version
Apple understands that it must protect its users. The next OS X version will definitely help to protect computers that are more vulnerable and efficient. Due to complaints from OS X 10.5 Leopard, Apple has placed security as the number one priority. Now, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion contains a solid security feature called Gatekeeper that helps prevent downloading malware.
Things to do : Update OS.
Application testing
Preventing malware is not just a problem with the operating system itself. Apple is also taking steps to support Safari with browser sandboxing parts to block applications that require access to unnecessary data on the computer.
Apple also received a lesson from iOS, the operating system has never been heavily attacked by malware. Here, Apple is asking the entire App Store application to be tested and certified. However, applications that are in advance of June 2012 need not be tested and are still safe.
Three ways to protect Mac from malware threats Picture 1
Apple is setting a strict standard to increase security even further. But, this action also caused some users to wonder whether more heavy-handed treatment would have a negative impact on developer flexibility.
What to do : Use proven Mac applications from Apple as well as avoid security vulnerabilities.
Antivirus software
Antivirus software for Macs will still be a viable option for both casual and experienced users.
VirusBarrier X6 is an excellent antivirus software made exclusively for Mac, priced at $ 49.95 for a year of use and for two devices.
Norton Antivirus 12 for Mac provides virus protection for one year for $ 49.99. And the latest McAfee internet Security also allows one-year protection with $ 79.99.
It is easy to see that some antivirus software for Macs are much more expensive than the PC version. For example, Norton Antivirus's retail price is $ 39.99 for a PC with a one-year version. McAfee Internet Security for PC also has the same price.
What to do : Find antivirus programs for Mac that match your system and pocket settings.
The freelance writer Glenn Fleishman is a regular collaborator with Economist, Macworld and TidBITS. He still wondered what he recommended for Mac users about security measures. For example, the above mentioned antivirus software primarily protects the computer from known malware and cannot catch new types of attacks, like the Flashback virus that has spread widely to allow malicious JavaScript to run. on websites.
' By taking advantage of the Java vulnerability to affect hundreds of thousands of Mac users, the problem is not that you have some protection software installed or not. No software can detect Java errors or block it , 'Mr. Fleishman said.
But he still thinks ordinary users (Macs or PCs) can benefit from an antivirus program. Even if they never update the system, the software can still protect against threats already present.
And even the most experienced users, who are able to control mouse clicks and identify cookies, the anti-virus program still has a certain meaning. ' I installed McAfee on my MacBook Air for several months after writing a review for Macworld, and it's interesting to see which programs are launched and which software wants to access the Internet ,' he said. . ' But it has never caught anything toxic '.
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