You are trying to send a document file to a friend but it is too big, it is difficult to share via the Internet, you are wondering how to do it? There is a solution, that is to

Do you wonder what kind of notes people have in WinRAR but when opening the zipped file there is a comment box next to it, but after a long time struggling to find a way that you

You have a zipped file that contains a lot of important data but when you open it for use, it fails. So how do I not lose these valuable data? TipsMake.com will guide you how to

In addition to the usual compression and decompression functions, WinRar has another interesting function that many people may not know, which is compressing multiple files at

With the advantages of fast compression and decompression speed, support for many different compression formats, simple one-click operation, WinRar is the first choice of users

For large files, long transmission times are prone to errors in the process of downloading files. So you need to check the MD5 code and compare it with the original MD5 code. So

Currently there are 2 tools of compression and decompression that are rated equally with each other are WinRar and 7Zip. Have you ever wondered which software is better? Of

WinRAR decompression tool allows users to collapse the menu when clicking on the right mouse button, making the list of commands when clicked right and neat.

When you open the drive's properties window, you will see the option to 'compress this drive to save disk space', which allows you to compress files and folders on the drive to