• How to convert PDF files to PowerPoint

    How to convert PDF files to PowerPoint
    pdf is one of the most used file formats in the world. however, it is not easy to use pdf in powerpoint presentations. this article will show you how to convert pdf files to
  • 5 online tools to remove pdf file limits

    5 online tools to remove pdf file limits
    to protect pdf file content is always safe, do not allow others to change or edit, usually the computer user or set an access password or set certain limits for the file. doing
  • How to split PDF file without Vietnamese error

    How to split PDF file without Vietnamese error
    in the previous article, we showed you how to convert pdf to word without vietnamese error. but this way is limited to the original pdf file size, only supports files below 1mb.
  • 4 steps to set PDF password online

    4 steps to set PDF password online
    previously, tipsmake.com once instructed you to set pdf password with microsoft word office software. today, we will share with you how to set a password online quickly and simply
  • 5 steps to remove PDF password online

    5 steps to remove PDF password online
    in the previous article, we showed you how to set a password for a pdf file online. today, we will continue to share how to remove that password online quickly and simply. please
  • How to convert PDF files to Excel keeps formatting

    How to convert PDF files to Excel keeps formatting
    previously, tipsmake.com sent to you how to convert excel files to pdf. today, we will guide you to convert back, ie from pdf to excel, through online tools that are completely
  • Convert PDF to Word, convert PDF files for free

    Convert PDF to Word, convert PDF files for free
    convert pdf to word, convert pdf files into text while maintaining the format, quality is a basic requirement when users convert pdf to docx. please refer to the article to