Search results: linux mint

linux is the most known and used open source operating system. whether you are looking for a suitable operating system for your laptop, workstation, desktop, gaming, a/v editing or

linux mint is a great linux distribution for anyone getting started with linux. it comes in 3 different versions: cinnamon, mate and xfce, each catering to a different audience.

intel's atom processors are a family of low-voltage microprocessors that first appeared in 2008. they power many ultraportable devices, such as netbooks, net-tops, and tablets. but

upgrading can be problematic, from errors to lost files or having to reconfigure settings. luckily, the mint development team provides a handy tool for upgrading without the need

in this article, will introduce you to the best linux distributions for those who have just converted from the windows environment.

have you ever felt deeply impressed with the code name of a favorite linux release, and wondered about the meaning and the mysteries behind that codename?

it can be said that linux is not a complete operating system, it is just a kernel operating system, which is the foundation for developing other operating systems.

ubuntu is one of the completely free open source operating systems. this is a distribution (distro) of linux with the second highest amount of traffic after linux mint.

linux is an open-source operating system and anyone can edit and customize to their liking, ubuntu and mint are the two operating systems born from that.

unlike windows or mac, linux has multiple versions with different names. if you are new to this operating system, you will be lost between countless versions and wondering what

after a few delays, the beta version of the linux-based fedora 18 was released.

new linux developers have officially voiced the two vulnerabilities of meltdown and specter, suggesting ways to help users protect their computers.