Search results: disk cleanup

this list includes file types that often appear in the disk cleanup utility and indicates whether they are safe to delete.

microsoft has downloads folder in disk cleanup due to many complaints from users.

over time, the computer will slow down. of course, part of it is due to aging hardware, but for most people, the common cause is poor maintenance of the operating system. the

the following article is a step-by-step guide to optimizing the performance of windows vista systems. let's find out with the network administrator!

do you need a certain amount of space on your hard drive? this is how we recommend it so you can free up to a few gb immediately.

freeing memory, increasing the amount of storage on windows is necessary, especially when your computer memory has a limit and what you want to save is too much. see the ways to

if your computer is kind of sluggish, but you still don't have the new shopping conditions, then the following simple and quick but very effective settings are available

windows.old folder also appears when you proceed refresh in windows 8. besides, this folder will also appear when you install customizations in windows 8 or you do not format the

storage sense feature in settings on windows 10 creators update version helps the system to automatically free memory, delete junk files in the computer.

disk cleanup is one of the 'maintenance' tools built into windows for a long time. this tool allows users to free up more space on the computer by 'cleaning up' the temporary

in some cases, disk cleanup is missing on the drive properties dialog box on windwows 10/8/7. the cause of this error is probably because the registry has been corrupted. to fix

in this article, i will show you how to fix the error that occurs when installing windows 7 in the in-place upgrade option.

this article will provide information on how to create and automate a maintenance schedule to keep your computer running 'smoothly'.

although there are more and more large hard drives, but no matter how big the drive is, you will find it missing one day.